雞尾酒療法是目前治療愛滋病最有效的療法,衛生署自 1997 年 4 月開始提供病患雞尾酒療法之治療藥物,至今已逾十年之久。台灣關於雞尾酒療法對於愛滋病的影響使用數學模型來分析的例子仍很少見,因此本篇針對台灣愛滋病病患的資料,使用邊際模型 (marginal model) 及脆弱模型 (frailty model) 這兩種多維度存活分析的方法來分析這資料,以便探討使用雞尾酒療法對於 HIV 檢驗成陽性到愛滋病病發,及病發後到死亡這兩段時間療效之差異以及 CD4 / CD8 比值高低的影響。 Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy, or HAART, is highly beneficial to many HIV-infected individuals. The Department of Health in Taiwan has began to provide the treatment of HAART for the AIDS patients since April, 1997. However, so far in Taiwan, there are very few cases using mathematical models to analyse the efficacy of HAART to HIV patients. Conseqently, to investigate the problem, we use marginal model and frailty model, two methods of multivariate survival data analysis. We want to find the different effect of HAART in two time periods, HIV infection to onset of AIDS and onset of AIDS to death and the different effects of CD4 / CD8 ratio.