摘要: | 我國能源短缺,政府提出蓋電廠方案增加電力來源,而另一種方案「需量反應」是反其道而行,透過節電技術讓電力需求降低,緩解電荒的問題。需量概念亦可導入屬電力網末梢的家庭能源管理系統(HEMS),其透過物聯網與電表、智能家電互相溝通,針對家電的用電需量進行預測分析,電力業者可使用物聯網通訊技術即時傳送目標需量給HEMS,使HEMS對家電的用電需量做控制,達到削減尖峰用電及節省家庭消耗電力的目的。 本論文提出一套結合物聯網技術之家庭能源管理系統,其設計整合家用閘道器、ZigBee無線傳輸、電表和智能家電進而形成一小型家庭物聯網環境,同時本系統也導入異質網路共構的概念,使不同性質的網路可以互相溝通。基於上述系統設計與實作,本論文探討HEMS使用需量預測和智能家電回報需量用量的差異性及優缺點,並透過實作需量控制機制和能源數據可視化平台,於電力業者實施限電時也能以最小用電需量維持家電運作,避免不必要的停電措施,也可以改善使用傳統卸載停電的缺點。 ;In Taiwan, we have faced the lack of energy for a long time in recent decades. To solve this problem, the government has proposed the plan to build more power plants. On the other hand, there is another solution based on the development of the “Demand Response” technology. This technology can support a distributed system that aims to reduce the use of electricity by energy-saving facilities to alleviate the danger of power shortage. The concept of demand has been implemented into industrial power systems —the Home Energy Management System (HEMS). HEMS measures and analyzes the status of home appliances’ energy usage in a house. HEMS uses wired/wires network communications to transmit power consumption information. In order to obtain reference data for optimizing power consumption more efficiently, HEMS uses Internet of Things technologies to provide power information feedback to electric power industry as well as to monitor and control the unloading of power plants more precisely. By deploying HEMS in general users’ home space, the goal of reducing power spikes can be achieved after the collective efforts contributed by all smart-energy houses with HEMS. This thesis proposes an IoT-based HEMS. The design of this system contains several functional devices, including home gateway, ZigBee communication, power meter, and home appliances, thereby forming a small-scaled HEMS environment in smart home space. Based on the proposed system design and implementation, our study in this thesis conducts practical testing and verification. Our study efforts can meet the requirements of home appliance management, mutual communications between home appliances, and unloading control mechanisms, along with the analysis of power usage. Therefore, at peak hours, we can operate various home appliances to stay in minimum energy demand, avoid unnecessary power outages, solve unsatisfactory power consumption, and decrease economic losses. Besides, a friendly energy visualization platform is combined to ease users’ understanding of energy usage and energy conservation. |