越來越多人使用區塊鍊的技術(Fintech 的核心)在不同的領域上,但是現有區塊鍊的查詢功能和支援區塊鍊查詢的工具都還是提供非常有限的查詢方法,而且查詢的反應時間很長。為了解決這些的問題,我們提出HyperQL,他是在Hyperledger Fabric區塊鍊上面增加了一個查詢層,使用區塊監聽器來監聽有沒有生成的區塊,並且得到區塊裡的資料,經過處理器壓縮區塊內的資料,HyperQL 會將數據儲存在PostgreSQL 的資料庫(NewSQL 資料庫系統)中,HyperQL 提供一個簡單的介面來方便查詢。HyperQL可以提供完整的SQL 的指令和良好的性能。在論文中的實驗結果顯示,HyperQL 所提供的查詢指令都具有非常優異的性能表現。;We can envision that the blockchain technology, the core of FinTech, will be adopted for more and more applications in the future. However, the existing blockchain implementation supports very limited query operations and the response time of the supported operations grows with the number of blocks. To address these issues, we propose HyperQL, which is an query layer on the top of the blockchain in Hyperledger Fabric. The HyperQL-enabled Hyperledger Fabric uses the block listener to monitor the response message of generated blocks in real-time. After the handler fi lters useless data, HyperQL stores the data and updates entries in PostgreSQL, a NewSQL database system. An interface is provided for users to query the HyperQL-enabled Hyperledger Fabric. The proposed HyperQL-enabled Hyperledger Fabric supports full SQL operations with high performance and reliability. The experiment results show that the excellent performance of important query operations and all advanced query types in the HyperQL-enabled Hyperledger Fabric.