進行創作學習時,若能在過程中參考、引用他人的經驗,可能將促使知識的交流,增進學習的效果。本研究旨在設計出一套能以現有數位戲劇作品進行重混創作的數位戲劇學習系統,以探討其對於學習者進行戲劇式學習時的學習成效及戲劇創作成果之影響。以現有作品重混創作之卡片式數位戲劇學習系統將戲劇內容切割為卡片式的學習物件,學生可以在戲劇創作過程中參考引用他人創作之戲劇作品物件,並再創作為新的劇本。本研究以桃園市某大學學生為研究對象,隨機分組為實驗組及對照組,共六十人參與實驗。實驗組學生進行具重混創作模式的數位戲劇創作,對照組學生進行不具重混創作模式的數位戲劇創作。實驗組及對照組皆於實驗活動前實施英語片語選擇測驗,於實驗後實施英語片語克漏字及翻譯測驗,並以單因子共變數分析及獨立樣本T檢定作為結果分析。研究結果顯示學生使用重混創作的數位戲劇學習方式可以提升學習成效,並減少在戲劇創作上的負擔,增加對於戲劇學習的興趣。;It is probably promoting the interaction of knowledge and enhance the achievement of learning if students can refer to others experience during the learning of creation. This study purpose to design a digital system of drama-based learning which can remix ready-made work to create drama and explore the learning achievement and effect of drama creation when students are conducting the drama-based learning. The system sliced dramatic contents into card-based learning objects and students can refer to others’ digital-dramatic objects to create new scripts. To conduct the experiment, this study randomly selected 60 students of National Central University as subjects and divided into two groups – experimental group and control group. Students in experimental group created digital dramas in a manner of remixing other creations and others in control group created digital dramas without remixing other creations. Before the experiment, experimental and control group were tested with multiple choice questions of English phrasal verbs. After the experiment, two groups were tested with cloze test and translation test of English phrasal verbs. To analyze the result of examinations and system records, we performed ANCOVA and independent sample t test. The experiment results showed that students remixing others’ creations during digital drama-based learning can enhance learning achievement.