隨著網路普及,人們能夠方便地隨時進行資訊的分享和交換,形成了全球社群網絡,造就資訊爆炸時代的來臨,而在如此大量的資訊互動中,如何獲取有價值的訊息,成為重要的議題,因此關於知識訊息交換的需求持續上升,目前已有許多提供需求與解決方案的開放媒合平台,如 Yahoo 知識 +、Stack Overflow ……等,但所提供的服務還是欠缺了直接的實質價值回饋機制,然而既然知識可以進行交換,其應該與物品相同,皆可按質論價,並於知識市場中進行自由交易,方能體現出應有的價值。 近年來,區塊鏈技術逐漸成熟,尤其智能合約技術的發展應用,使程式能夠去中心化執行,讓去中心化系統有了更多的可能性。本研究為將區塊鏈分散式資料庫與去中心化運行的智能合約系統,運用於知識市場的平台上,確保資料保存及系統運作的公正性,同時以虛擬貨幣作為知識市場的交易媒介,設計一個去中心化,且具自由價格機制之多人協作知識市場平台。在這個去中心化的應用當中,每個使用者皆能平等地參與知識交易,不再如同以往有對中心組織的信任問題,並將原本知識需求媒合的過程,從靜態資料交換模式,轉為動態的互動事件記錄,讓需求及知識的價值得以在自由市場與使用者互動中被量化,給予知識提供者相對的回饋。 ;The popularity of the Internet has created the era of information explosion. Therefore, how to obtain the useful information within also becomes more important. Some specific question-and-answer platforms, such as Yahoo! Answers and Stack Overflow, arose due to the increasing needs of information exchange. Knowledge should be priced and traded as normal items in the market as well, however, most of these platforms haven’t create a proper paid feedback service. Blockchain technology has become more and more mature recently, especially after the invention of Smart Contract. Thanks to Smart Contract, programs can be executed decentralized. This research developed a decentralized platform with paid feedback service for knowledge market based on blockchain and smart contract. The system took block-chain′s digital currency as trade token and created a collaborative knowledge market as the free market economy. Users can participate in transactions with equal rights and trade with each other directly without central organization. The mutual trusts among all participants are ensured by the underlying decentralized block-chain technology.