本論文是研究如何用物件導向設計遞迴方法來產生三角網格,其目的是要建立一套遞迴式網格生成法。應用以C++撰寫的網格生成物件,在寫程式時只需專注於遞迴生成法即可,由此可看出C++物件導向語言及其標準程式庫STL所寫的程式可適應性、可擴充性和簡便等強大的弁? 在現有的三角網格程式的架構下擴充一個生成網格的子弁?因為是以物件導向方式撰寫程式,所以除了遞迴生成法要正確快速外,更要注意複雜多層繼承物件對程式效率所造成的影響。 In the dissertation, an object-oriented recursion scheme is developed to generate a triangular mesh on a two-dimensional domain. We emphasize to develop object-oriented programming strategy to generate triangular mesh recursively. By using the C++ programming language and its powerful standard template library(STL), we are able to generate the triangular grid rather easily. In this dissertation , we also develop a scheme so as to generate the grid with prescribed cell numbers. A numerical result is shown to demonstrate our arguments.