摘要: | 面臨缺水的窘境,近年來,營建署已規劃國內規模較大之污水處理廠,提升為水再生廠,目前,和高雄市政府、水利署合作,選定鳳山溪污水處理廠作為模範廠,因水量大又穩定、離臨海工業區近等優勢,所以,規劃將該廠之再生水供給中鋼公司作為工業用水。 本研究以鳳山溪污水處理廠為對象,以其放流水搭配AO+MBR+RO處統系統所組成的水再生模廠進行運轉,但考慮放流水有機質低而導致AO系統無法正常運作,進而以初沉出流水+放流水的調配方式,設計四種配比( DW1、DW2、DW3、DW4 )來進行實驗,並對其產水檢測,並彙整實驗所得之數據來探討,AO+MBR+RO處理系統之產水水質是否符合再生水要求、對各污染物去除率及最佳調配比例。 研究結果顯示,無論DW1、DW2或DW3的配比操作下,AO/MBR系統或RO系統,對於SS、導電度、濁度、硬度、氨氮的去除率不相上下,其產水水質SS為0~0.1mg/L、導電度為54~77μs/cm、濁度為0~0.1 NTU、氨氮0.02~0.09 mg/L、硬度2.4~3.6 mg/L as CaCO3,皆符合再生水質要求標準(SS<3 mg/L、導電度<100 μs/cm、濁度<0.2 NTU、氨氮<0.5 mg/L、硬度<10 mg/L as CaCO3),在AO/MBR系統,對於氨氮、SS及濁度去除效果非常顯著,除了SS、濁度去除率為98%、97%以上,且氨氮也高於99%。但MBR出流水中之導電度、硬度平均值分別為1084.4μm/cm、256 mg/L as CaCO3,可見MBR薄膜對於離子和鹽類是無去除效果的。在RO系統,對於導電度、硬度的去除率平均高達於99%以上,可見RO對於離子性或鹽類污染物質具非常顯著性的去除效果。所以,若再加入成本考量的話,DW1為最佳調配比例。 ;Due to water shortage, Construction and Planning Agency has planned to turn wastewater treatment plants to water reclamation and reuse center. The treatment capacity of the Fengshanxi Wastewater Treatment Plant is large and steady. Also, it is close to industrial park, thus, it has been chosen to be the model plant. The reclaimed water will be used by the China Steel Corporation. This thesis study the treatment efficiency of AO+MBR+RO for water reclamation by a pilot plan. Because the organic compounds in the discharged water is too low so that the AO cannot operate well, the water from primary setting tank was mixed with the discharge water with four different ratios. It was found that for DW1, DW2, DW3, the removal efficiencies for suspended solids (SS), conductivity, turbidity, hardness and ammonia are similar for either AO/MBR or RO. SS was 0~0.1mg/L, conductivity was 54~77μs/cm, turbidity was0~0.1 NTU, ammonia was 0.02~0.09 mg/L, and hardness was2.4~3.6 mg/L as CaCO3, which are all below the standard for water reuse. AO/MBR is effective for the removals of SS, turbidity, and ammonia, which are all higher than 98%. Conductivity and hardness were removed by RO. Based on removal efficiency as well as construction and operation fees, it is determined that DW1 (only water from the primary settling tanks) is the optimal choice. |