隨著科技發展,電子產品日新月異,人們除了對軟體上的功能要求外,電子設備的硬體性能需求也大幅的增加,於是製作印刷電路板的銅、鉛、鎳、金及錫等重金屬被大量的開採,造成了天然資源耗竭、開採過程產生的環境污染、生產過程的廢液排放與產品銷售後的廢品棄置,皆對地球環境和生態造成嚴重破壞。由於金屬-金的相關特性符合電子工業的需求,因此電路板製作中利用電鍍的方法,將金電鍍於電路板上,電鍍金作業金鹽為其原物料,當電鍍金金厚度沉積均勻性不佳時,會造成金鹽的過量使用,影響電鍍中金屬離子到達電極表面的質量傳送分別為擴散、對流和遷移三種作用,由此三種作用分析電鍍金製程作業,對應的機制分別為電場所造成的離子游動、藥液濃度擴散、藥液運動造成的離子流動,藉由研究電鍍金製程的三種作用機制,改善電鍍金金厚度沉積均勻性。本研究主要探討如何降低印刷電路板作業中,電鍍金製程金鹽物料的使用,以達到源頭減量的目的,並以某印刷電路板製造業電鍍金線A為對象進行研究與評估,研究結果顯示,依電鍍金A線實際作業參數與規格下,藉由調整噴流流向達到改變離子流動,進而控制金離子沉積量,改善電鍍金金厚度沉積均勻性,達到本研究的目的,電鍍相關產業亦可藉由本研究方法進行試驗調整,以達到源頭減量以及生產成本降低的效益。;Electronic devices has been up to date with the improvement of technology and science. People’s demanding increase not only on software’s function but also on hardware of electronic equipment. As the demanding increases, the materials of making PCB(Printed Circuit Board) like copper, lead, nickel, gold and tin have been massively exploited. The situation resulted in danger nature resources. The process of exploitation leads to environmental pollution, waste liquid from production and disposal of sale products have severely caused the damage to eco-environment on earth. The process of PCB uses the gold plating.When the sediment of gold thickness’s uniformity is bad, it will cause overuse of gold salt.Affect the metal ion to reach electrode surface, including three functions of pervasion、convection and moving.According to analyze the process of plating gold base on above three functions, the correspondent mechanisms are ion moving caused by electric field, pervasion of fluid medicine density and ion circulating caused by fluid medicine activity. By studying these to improve gold thickness’s uniformity and reduce the gold salt. We study plating gold line A and evaluate in PCB industry.The research shows that, by adjusting the direction of jet stream to change the circulation of ion, furthermore to control the sediment of gold ions to improve gold thickness’s uniformity. The related plating industry can use this research method.