為延續本研究團隊在高功率發光二極體(LED)光學特性的研究成果,將進一步探討LED封裝中加入擴散粒子的綜合效應,並建立符合應用需求的光學模擬模型,以簡化解決應用需求的程序。此研究結果不僅可量化擴散粒子在LED封裝中的增進效果,也可以尋求最佳的配比,達到高效能的極致表現。除此之外,擴散粒子不只應用於傳統的螢光粉封裝中,也可延伸應用於新穎的量子點LED模組,甚至是微型LED模組,對於固態照明技術而言,實屬應用廣、相當重要卻尚少被觸及的研究課題。在傳統的LED封裝體中,利用螢光粉做為波長轉換元件,以取得LED晶粒發光所缺乏的光波長,並組合成照明光源所需的白光。因為螢光粉體進行波長轉換時,必定產生一定的能量損失。若思考加入擴散粒子,利用擴散粒子的散射功能,將來自LED晶粒發光的激發光,多重增加其與螢光粉體碰撞作用的機會,使得在特定色溫光色的前提下,可有效地減少螢光粉體使用量,從而減少總光能量的損失。另外在新式的應用裡,例如量子點取代螢光粉、或是微型LED等,也需要加入擴散粒子,以提高輻射光的空間均勻性。本研究將延伸既有的研究成果,在已掌握螢光粉體的激發光學效果基礎上,探討擴散粒子對LED光源效能的影響,並建立量化模型以供實際應用需求。 ;To extend our study on the optical properties of the high power LEDs, we would like to explore with the combined effects of the LED packaging with the scattering particles. It will also establish one practical optical model for simulation in order to simplify the procedure for solving problems of the applications. In this work, the enhancement by the scattering particles will be quantitatively modeled, and the optimal combination of the wavelength-conversion elements and the scattering particles will be found to have highest performance. Actually, the wavelength-conversion elements are not just only the conventional phosphors, but also including the new quantum-dots, and even for the micro-LEDs. For the development of the solid-state lighting technology, the scattering particles are important but seldom considered yet. Conventionally, the application of the phosphors is unavoidable to some certain energy loss. With the aid of the scattering particles, the chance of the interaction between the LED excitation lights and the wavelength-conversion elements will be highly improved, and the energy loss is thus reduced. Moreover, the application of the scattering particles will also bring to higher spatial uniformity of the white light quality. We hope to exploit the properties of the scatting particles in the LED packaging in depth, and provide with one practical optical model for simulation.