本計畫目標為:設計研發一款多功能彈珠台,透過此玩具的變化應用,可以讓國中以上的學生及社會大眾,利用實體的教具來學習數位邏輯以及自動控制的基本概念,進而成為具有資訊素養的現代公民。本產品結構包括一共用基板,用以組裝各種元件;一組元件包,內含各種不同功能的元件,具有不同的功能以利學習者搭配使用來完成任務,在完成任務的遊戲過程中,潛移默化學習數位邏輯以及自動控制的概念。本產品提供兩個主要的遊戲:「數學遊戲NIM」與「加法器」,採取鷹架化的學習為設計理念:每個學習目標都各有約3至5個關卡來訓練,依照主題的難度來調整每階段關卡的數量,隨著關卡難度提升,搭配結構化的鷹架,最終期待學習者能在兩個遊戲組的最終階段,自行設計出完整的系統。 ;The aim of this study is to design and develop a tangible-object-based game to learn the fundamental concepts of digital logic and control system via playing. It consists of two main functions, “NIM”, a mathematics game, and “adder system”, a combination of binary system. By using a common base plate and different kinds of elements, one can learn basic algorithm, switch, flip-flop, feedback control and integration concepts by themselves. A pack of challenge cards with several levels of different difficulties provides scaffolding learning. In the future, the product is expandable to further functions such as subtractor or multiplier with sufficient element. This learning tool helps to build a bridge between the real world and a programming environment.