「跨領域專案主軸計畫」為科技部推動具有特定政策導向或學術重點資源集中的大型計畫。因牽涉重大資源分配與國家科技發展關鍵,需兼顧維持長期政策的穩定度、規劃合理性和彈性動態調整能力,應建立前期規劃、計畫審查機制與規範,以確保執行的有效性與課責度。透過本計畫之執行,針對科技部擬推動之跨領域前瞻型研發計畫,規劃出能促成跨司協作的機制,以有效分配資源,避免矛盾與衝突。同時亦針對前瞻選題、審核、考核及諮詢,建置出相對應的標準程序;從推動前瞻科技發展之角度進行檢視,並建立滾動式的調整修正方法,期能落實促成前瞻科技跨司整合之政策目的。 ;"Interdisciplinary research program" is a large-scale program being policy-oriented and highly supported by ministry of science and technology (MOST). As it is critically connected with the allocation of national research resources and the development of national science technology, it must have long-term stability, reasonable planning and dynamic adjustability; it therefore requires careful planning at early stages and sound counselling and evaluation systems, to ensure effectively monitoring the progress and achieving the goal. Through running this program, we anticipate to organize the inter-department collaboration in MOST to effectively allocate grants and avoid contradiction and conflict. We also aim to establish a standard procedure for choosing the research topics, accessing the proposals, evaluating the results and providing the counselling; from the viewpoint of developing frontier science and technology, we also adjust dynamically our approaches according to the accumulated results and experiences, to meet the policy of inter-department integration.