在大強子對撞機的環境下,軌跡或量能偵測器必須有基本的空間解析分辨能力與耐輻射 能力。才精確量得粒子的軌跡。有鑒于此,本計劃將試產單通道100 um x 100 um 的pixel 偵 測器與單通道面積約為1cm2 的偵測器,並嘗試應用bump bonding 微焊技術做偵測器封裝。 由於背景漏電流所造成的雜訊,小面積與大面積的讀出技術非常不同,此計劃也將第一次試 產出單通道小面積的細偵測器,並委託國家晶片中心(CIC)試做多通道放大器,並引進微焊技 術做偵測器封裝。 ;We have provided silicon sensors for WA98, PHOBOS and CMS experiments that have accumulated related experiences in sensors design and productions. Due to the high particle density and strong radiation under the environment of large hadron collider, either tracker or calorimeter is designed with rad-hard and high spacial resolution to achieve the physics analysis. We plan to develop 100 um x 100 um pixel sensors and regular pad sensors. At very beginning stage, we will use the NI commercial chip for the readout. Starting from 2018, we are going to develop multi-channels readout amplifier at CIC. And expect to deliver 8-channel readout chip in 2019.