在此論文中,我們主要的結果是在任何維度中都可以找到一些特殊型式的超曲面,可以將這些超曲面中的奇異點給完全解開,而且這種解開的方法是最精簡的,換句話說,將奇異點解開後體積會保持不變。雖然論文中的主要定理條件相當多,不過也確實提供了很多特殊超曲面奇異點的解析。 In this thesis, our main result is, for any n-dimensional space, we can find a suitable weight for some hypersurface, then after a finite number of weight blow up, we arrive at smooth varieties and we get the crepant resolution of the hypersurfaces. Next, we will study what kind of model has no crepant resolution of hypersurface.