本計畫調查蒐羅南投國姓鄉、水里鄉的行業詞,以客庄各行各業主題式有聚合關係的詞彙調查為核心工作,藉以掌握完整的客家產業文化資訊。 透過對客家文化重點發展區百工百業的客語調查,蒐集到一般辭典、工具書、制式調查表格所看不到的詞彙,並將之用標準化的記錄方式,留下客語語料,並針對語料內容中的特殊音讀、詞義再做進一步的註解說明或補充。建置主題式客語語料庫,除了記錄詞目、標音、釋義之外,也會請受訪者留下音檔資料,包含大篇幅的談話內容,可提高學術研究和教學上的應用價值。 ;This project aims to investigate and collect the jargons of Guoxing and Shuili township in Nantou, centering on different theme-based Hakka village jargons which correlate with each other. Thereby, it is expected to grasp unique culture information of Hakka industries completely. Through the investigation of mechanics jargons in key development area of Hakka culture, this project collects vocabulary that is not recorded in dictionary reference books and survey forms, recording Hakka corpus with standardized recording methods. It also further annotates and supplements special articulations and meanings. With constructing theme-based Hakka corpus, entry words, pronunciation and interpretation would be recorded along with interviewees audio files. Wide coverage of interview is also included so that it can be dedicated to academic researches and be applied in teaching contexts.