本兩年研究計畫主要以「赤腳醫生」之跨國論述生產為切入角度,將相關論述與知識生產置放於 全球冷戰分斷體制的歷史脈絡下討論,尤其關注從冷戰到後冷戰結構中,美國、台灣與中國交錯的自 由人文主義文化政治。我希望透過研究「赤腳醫生」的多樣文化生產來問題化冷戰時期台灣與中國在 現代性知識與情感上的交疊與斷裂,以這個進路來(1)釐清冷戰分斷體制下資本主義與殖民主義如 何透過現代性的話語(例如自由、民主、與科學等)在台灣現代化發展下產生具體知識與情感效應; (2)探討後冷戰的醫療人文想像如何透過轉譯中國「赤腳醫生」的論述,從而推進新自由主義資本 化的親密關係與照護想像,並將社會醫療改革的情感架接至第三世界落後國家的人道主義關懷。本研 究將進入歷史、文化與政治交織而成的知識與情感結構內部進行剖析,以介入當下被分隔在不同系統 裡的知識生產,從而對冷戰研究與醫療現代性研究做出理論化的貢獻。 ;By investigating the “barefoot doctor” discourses in a transnational context, the goal of this project is to understand the cultural politics of liberal humanism embedded within the Cold War historical entanglements among US, Taiwan and China. Recognizing that transnational cultural production on the figure of the “barefoot doctor” both participates in and problematizes Cold War divisions, this project seeks to better understand divergences between Taiwan and China regarding knowledge production about and affective investment in medical development. Through a cultural analysis of such discursive formations of knowledge and affects in medical modernity, this research will 1) illuminate how capitalism and colonialism operate through liberal narratives of science and democracy, thereby formulating Taiwan’s medical modernization by distinguishing itself from China within the division system; 2) explore how the post-Cold War imagination of medical humanism transplants the “barefoot doctor” discourses into a neoliberal context for reproducing a capitalist mode of intimacy, and, at the same time, how it re-channels the critical potential of the socialist healthcare reforms into a liberal humanitarian practice toward Third World developing countries. In developing a historicized analysis of these political and cultural structures of knowledge and feeling, my study will intervene at the intersections where knowledge is sectioned off in current academic frameworks, and contribute to the current efforts to arrive at a more a theoretical and systematic understanding of Cold War studies and medical modernity.