目前各種保暖、保冷產品,多利用物體之顯熱來加熱或冷卻所需保溫物,或外加電源加熱保溫,如此可能無法長時間保持定溫,或需耗費能源。由於物體之潛熱遠高於顯熱,且在熱傳過程能保持在幾近於固定溫度,性能遠優於顯熱。本計畫即為應用相變材料之定溫特性以及電子控溫技術,製作高性能且低價格之保暖、保冷產品。主要研究工作包括兩部分,一為依不同用途選用適當之相變溫度材料,利用相變材料高潛熱之特性,達到長時間保暖或保冷,而且可重複使用之目的。另一為依據使用者需求,進一步利用部分電熱以及溫度控制技術,調整保暖或保冷溫度已達到最舒適程度。另外更應用無線充電技術,使整體產品無外接電線以及插孔,以確保使用安全。最後更將開發應用軟體(APP),將所有應用資訊包括溫度顯示、溫度調整、剩餘使用時間等,直接用藍芽傳至手機或其他電子設備,增加使用便利性,並提升產品附加價值。 本計畫整體執行期限為兩年,第一年針對僅使用相變材料,而達到定溫飽暖和保冷功能之基本款產品,完成原型產品設計、製作及測試改良。第二年加入各項調溫及無線充電技術,完成可調溫之高階產品設計製作。 ;The purpose of this project is to develop low cost and high performance heat preservation products by applying phase-change materials and electronic temperature technologies. There are two working packages of the project. The first one is the selection of appropriate phase-change materials and design of heat preservation products by using these materials. It is aimed to obtain products those can keep at constant temperature for a relative long duration and reusable. The second is to fine-tune temperature required for these products by using electrical heating and temperature control systems. A wireless charging apparatus will be integrated in the system to reduce the electric leaking risk. A blue teeth APP for mobile devices will also be developed to improve the convenience for users. The overall duration of this project will be two years. Heat preservation products by using phase-change materials will be developed and commercialized in the first year. The electronic temperature and wireless charging apparatus will be integrated in the system to complete final products in the second year.