在本論文中,我們首先學習一些關於友矩陣數值域的基本性質。參考文獻1特別探討可分解的友矩陣,同時還證明一個友矩陣的數值域是以原點為圓心的圓盤,其充分必要條件在於這個友矩陣是Jordan區塊。而我們在此僅針對那些數值域為橢圓形的可分解友矩陣作討論,並試圖給這些矩陣一個完整的特徵。 從論文第三節可以看出所有的4 × 4可分解友矩陣將完全被解決,原因是我們會證明一個4 × 4可分解友矩陣的數值域是橢圓,若且為若,這個矩陣的光譜為{a,-a,i/a,-i/a},其中|a|≧sqrt(1+sqrt(2));或者這個矩陣的光譜為{a,ai,-1/a,-i/a},其中|a|≧1+sqrt(2)。最後,我們在論文的第四節就把討論的對象擴大為6 × 6可分解友矩陣。 In this thesis, we study some properties of numerical ranges of companion matrices. Previous works [1] in this respect are the criterion for these matrices to be reducible and show that the numerical range of a companion matrix is a circular disc centered at the origin if and only if the matrix equals the Jordan block. Here we want to give a complete characterization for reducible companion matrices with elliptical numerical range. In Section 3, 4 × 4 reducible companion matrices will be completely solved. We show that a 4 × 4 reducible companion matrix A has an ellipse as its numerical range if and only if either σ(A)={a,-a,i/a,-i/a} where |a|≧sqrt(1+sqrt(2)), or σ(A)={a,ai,-1/a,-i/a} where |a|≧1+sqrt(2). Here σ(A) denotes the spectrum of the matrix A. In Section 4, we discuss the cases for 6 × 6 reducible companion matrices.