在 5G 通訊系統中使用高於 6 GHz 的載波頻率與大量增加的連網單元。 因應大量的聯網單元以及可能隨機配置的小型基地台,本計畫利用自組織演算法做分散式的最佳化,才能迅速的對整體系統做動態調整。然而,要做更有效率的自組織演算法,聯網單元必須互相傳遞具有價值的環境資訊,如通道狀況、鄰近單元數量、干擾強度以及絕對位置等等。 本計畫主要研究利用通道估測技術探索週遭環境參數的可能性,利用獲得的環境參數建立行為模型應用到負載平衡的議題上。 本計畫涉及的基礎技術包含通道估測技術、網路路由理論的行動管理、合作式通訊、干擾協調、 無線定位、負載平衡等。本計劃最終目標將研究實作通道估測的硬體原型以及訊號模擬軟體,除了應用在預定的居住區域的干擾抑制外,此研究未來也可以在移動式基地台或隨意網路技術 (ad hoc)上繼續延伸。 ;The next-generation wireless communication systems may operate on higher frequency bands and through wider bandwidth. The cellular size may shrink. The amount of small-size base stations increases. Due to deployment of end subscribers and due to the random placement, effective coordination of interference in a residential area becomes more challenging. In this project, a strategy of self-organizing interference coordination will be studied. The indoor mobility management technique will be considered as a core technique. On the other hand, if two neighboring base stations can establish an control channel, the cell size can be dynamically modified in order to achieve spatially optimal data throughput with assistance from proper cooperative protocols. The strategy is tested through computer simulation based on several user-movement models. Conventional interference coordination techniques would be studied and compared.