摘要: | 本研究計畫將開發應用於小型無人飛行載具之 W 頻段雷達前端積體電路,實現的方法是使用先 進矽基製程和三五族化合物半導體技術,達成高解析度、體積小、重量輕及耗電低設計目標。操作中 心頻率為77 或94 GHz,操作頻寬2 GHz,具備測速測距功能。為提高靈敏度及耗電量,發射訊號採 用短脈衝進行調變,預期最高發射功率為10 dBm,偵測距離10 米以上,前端積體電路平均直流功率 消耗小於0.2 W。研究工作包含有雷達系統分析平台建立、毫米波積體電路設計和模組構裝技術開發。 將開發的電路包含有功率放大器、低雜訊放大器、調變器、降頻器及本地振盪訊號源等關鍵元件。所 開發的前端積體電路及模組可應用於小型無人飛行載具,輔助自動駕駛,避免碰撞產生及環境感測。 在發射鏈路研製上,將著重於功率合併技術開發,進一步提升功率放大器輸出功率及直流轉換效率。 在接收鏈路研製上,將著重於雜訊指數降低及轉換增益提升。在降低相位雜訊研究上,也將使用新型 式次諧波注入鎖定鎖頻迴路。預期可得到成果為毫米波雷達相關技術建立、參與研究計畫之人員培 育、創新前端積體電路開發研究、相關量測技術發展及高整合前端模組和電路之相關技術研究。在三 年研究計畫,工作項目將包含系統規劃、電路設計及佈局、晶片製作與評估。將研製雷達前端模組和 積體電路,設計及佈局將完成並送至代工廠製作。最後,完成量測分析。 ;The W-band radar frontend integrated circuits (ICs) will be developed in this research project for the miniature unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) applications. The ICs will be implemented using a few advanced silicon-based and III-V compound semiconductor technologies to achieve the design goals of high resolution, small size, low weight and low dc power consumption. The center frequency is 77 or 94 GHz with a bandwidth of 2 GHz. The radar has the capability of range and speed detection. The RF output signal of the transmitter is modulated using a pulse to enhance sensitivity and lower dc power consumption. The peak RF output power is 10 dBm with a detection range of 10 m. The average dc power consumption of the frontend ICs is lower than 0.2 W. The research works contain the development of the system analysis, millimeter-wave (MMW) ICs, and the package technology for the MMW radar. The developed ICs consists of power amplifiers, low noise amplifiers, modulator, down converter, and the local oscillation source. The developed frontend ICs and modules will be employed in the UAV for assisted autopilot, collision avoidance and sensing. For the transmitting chain, we will focus on the research of power combing to further enhance output power and DC-to-RF efficiency. For the receiving chain, we will focus on the research of noise figure reduction and conversion gain enhancement. In addition, an innovative sub-harmonically injection-locked frequency-locked loop will be employed to lower phase noise. We will achieve the establishment of the MMW radar technology, the innovative ICs, the related measurement technology, and the innovative frontend ICs and modules. The system planning, IC design, chip layout, fabrication and chip evaluation will be exercised. The design will also be completed and sent to the foundry for fabrication. In last, the measurement and analysis of the developed MMW frontend ICs and modules will be carried out. |