「數學寫作」是透過應用數學語言、符號、工具寫下自己的數學想法,並以此和他人作數學溝通,這 個過程能夠協助學生外化、釐清與反思數學概念,從而培養分析、評鑑、創造能力,是學習數學的一 種重要方法。然而傳統的紙本數學寫作不容易讓同學相互交流,若能透過線上進行數學寫作、分享和 回饋,將有助於學生相互學習,發展前述高層次認知能力。前期「數學島」計畫執行至今,有143 所 學校,922 個班級,共9518 人使用。本計畫預計在「數學島」計畫的基礎上,運用「趣創者理論」的 「讀創登」學習活動,發展一個同儕合作數學寫作子系統,讓學生完成個人數學學習任務後,反思總 結所學到的數學概念特點和解題解釋,寫成數學解釋性和總結性寫作。之後,藉由指定參與活動,邀 請同學參加數學寫作和同儕互評,以修正其數學寫作內容。本計畫將設計一些遊戲機制,促進學生主 動投入活動,並搭配老師的指導,加深學生的數學概念理解與表達能力。此計畫為三年期,第一年目 標在設計線上同儕合作數學寫作子系統與五、六年級的實驗素材;第二年接著發展線上同儕合作數學 寫作子系統,增加更多功能輔助知識共構,並在學校正式課堂中實驗(五年級);第三年評估同儕合作 數學寫作模式的學習成效(六年級)。 ;"Mathematical writing" is a method of in-depth mathematics learning: students write about mathematical ideas using mathematical language, symbols and tools, and then communicate those ideas with other students. The mathematical writing process helps students externalize, clarify and rethink mathematical concepts so as to foster their analyzing, evaluating, and creating capabilities—some cognitive objectives in the Bloom's taxonomy. Compared to traditional paper-based mathematical writing, online mathematical writing enjoys some advantages: easier sharing and more immediate communications among peers. Mathematical writing will be an important added feature (or sub-system) to our on-going "Math Island" system. Right now there are 143 schools with 922 classes and a total of 9,518 students to use Math Island to learn mathematics. This project will develop a peer-collaboration mathematical writing sub-system for Math Island and design a form of mathematical writing activities—"Reading-Creating-Staging"—based on "Interest-Driven Creator Theory". Besides, the project will design a number of game mechanisms for engaging students to be fully involved in the activities. Also, teachers will guide students how to express mathematical ideas and concepts and assist them to communicate those ideas and concepts among themselves. This is a three-year project with Grades 5 and Grade 6 as the targeted student users. In the first year, we will design an online peer-collaboration mathematical writing sub-system prototype and some experimental mathematical writing materials. In the second year, we will experiment with the sub-system and further develop the sub-system with more supporting functions. Finally, in the will year, we shall assess the effectiveness of peer-collaboration mathematical writing.