大氣學門(Atmospheric Sciences Discipline)為科技部自然科學及永續研究發展司(Department of Natural Sciences and Sustainable Development)轄下地球永續防災領域(Earth Sciences, Sustainable Development and Disaster Reduction Section)七個學門之一,由一位學者擔任學門召集人。學門召集人之主 要任務為:(1)協助專題研究計畫及研究獎勵申請案之學術審查;(2)出席國際會議、海外學人來華演講與短期科學技術指導、及延攬研究人才等申請案之審查;(3)出席學門召集人會議,協助科技部相關業務之推展;(4)其他學門相關業務之規劃與推動。大氣科學領域的重點研究方向包含氣候變化與變遷、豪雨、颱風、區域環流、大氣環境與太空物理等課題。其中,氣候變化與變遷是聯合國世界氣象組織推動的重點研究計畫CLIVAR、GEWEX與IPCC的研究主軸。豪雨、颱風與區域環流則屬於聯合國世界氣象組織及美國推動災變天氣研究計畫WWRP 與USWRP的主要研究重點。大氣環境研究領域探討空氣污染與環境變遷,是近年來國內外的重要研究課題。太空物理方面,國內在太陽、行星際及磁層之研究及赤道異常區電離層之研究一向有良好成果,在國際合作上亦有具體成果,在福爾摩沙衛星成功發射後,提供的衛星資料,使得國內的太空物理研究更受國際重視。上述這些研究議題是許多先進國家(美、日、歐洲)的重點研究方向,也是我大氣學門學者進行國際合作的重要誘因。 ;The “Atmospheric Sciences Discipline” (ASD) is one of the sevendisciplines under the “Earth Sciences, Sustainable Development andDisaster Reduction Section” under the Department of Natural Sciencesand Sustainable Development of MOST (Ministry of Science andTechnology). A researcher is invited to be the coordinator of the ASD.The responsibility of coordinator includes: 1) managing the peer reviewprocess for the research project and award applications; 2) reviewingthe funding application for attending international conference meetings,short-term visit of international scholars, and research positions; 3)attending the coordinators’ meeting and assisting the planning andadvancement of MOST’s missions. The focal topics of ASD include climatevariability and changes, torrential rain, typhoon, regional circulation,atmospheric environment, as well as space and upper-atmosphere physics.Climate variability and climate changes are key components of CLIVAR、GEWEX and IPCC projects under the World Meteorological Organization(WMO) and United Nation; whereas torrential rain, typhoon and regionalcirculation are main themes of studies on disastrous weather events forWWRP (WMO) and USWRP (United States). Atmospheric environment studies,which emphasis on air pollution and environmental changes, have receivedworldwide interests. Studies on solar, inter-planets, magnetosphere andionosphere in Taiwan continued to earn reputation internationally, andthe launching of FORMOSAT-3 constellation of satellites furtherstimulated international attention. All these topics are valued by manyadvanced countries (USA. Japan, and Europe), and thus provide incentivefor ASD researchers to promote international collaboration.