台灣電影在50與60年代的台語片不僅影片產量高,類型也包羅萬象,隨著台語片式微,60、70年代的愛情文藝片興起,成為台灣電影中最風行的電影類型之一,不僅國內賣座,更行銷至東南亞等地。當時重要的電影明星,如台語片的白虹、白蘭、陳揚、柯俊雄、柳青、楊麗花,愛情文藝片的甄珍、鄧光榮、秦祥林、林青霞、秦漢、林鳳嬌等隨主演影片賣座聲望而受觀眾喜愛。英國電影學者Richard Dyer在他樹立明星研究重要典範的《明星》(STARS)一書中,已經指出明星對於觀眾觀影的重要影響。然而,由於對台灣80年代以前電影史的研究甚少,尤其是電影明星的研究除少數針對林青霞的研究論文外幾乎付之闕如。本計畫擬針對白語片明星白虹與愛情文藝片明星甄珍進行研究,計劃希冀以兩年的時間完成下列項目: 1、為台灣電影史建立白虹與甄珍二位電影明星的個人發展歷程敘述 2、以白虹與甄珍二位電影明星的媒體報導為主要研究對象,找出台灣50至70年代間媒體與明星地位建立的關聯。 3、分析白虹與甄珍二位電影明星在影片與媒體中的明星形象與特質所具有社會文化意涵。 ;Taiwanese language films were popular in the 50's and 60's. The annual production number was high with a great variety of genres. As Taiwan language films began to wane, the literary romantic films became one of the most welcomed film genres of Taiwan cinema. The films were popular not only in Taiwan but also in South East Asia. The stars of these films rose to stardom as the box office of their films soared. Richard Dyer in his ground-breaking study of stardom points out the stars are important factor of the audience's appreciation of a film. But stars of Taiwan cinema are rarely the subject of film studies, with the exception of Brigitte Lin. This project intends to focus on two stars of Taiwan cinema of the 50's to the 70's, namely Bai Hong and Chen Chen. They belonged to two different periods and film genres. The project hopes to provide the following contributions: 1. To construct the two stars' personal history to enrich the history of Taiwan cinema. 2. To sort out the connection between the media and the construction of stardom of the two stars. 3. To analyze the social and cultural meanings of the two stars' images and personas.