在這篇論文,我們探討線性BBM和KdV方程對於初始邊界問題解的週期性。 根據[10]的方法,我們對線性BBM和KdV方程作奇函數擴充及偶函數擴充並藉由傅利葉轉換求得BBM和KdV方程的解,最後並探討BBM和KdV方程的週期性。 In this paper we study the eventual periodicity of solutions to the initial-boundary value problem for the linear generalized BBM-Burgers and KdV-Burgers equation in the quarter plane with periodic boundary data and force term. We derive a representation formula for solutions to the equations by the Fourier transform thought the odd and even extension. Finial, we rigorously establish the eventual periodicity of these solutions.