在這篇文章中,我們使用 weighted blowup 為工具,對一些 C^n+1 中的對角超曲面作出了Crepant Resolution。我們也發現了幾條 n維 variety 沒有 Crepant Reolutions的充分條件。搭配上 Grothendieck 的部份研究結果,我們給出了有效率發現沒有 Crepant Resolution 的對角超曲面的方法。 In this article, we use the weighted blowup to determine some diagonal hypersurfaces in Cn+1 which admit crepant resolutions. We also find some sufficient conditions on n-dimensional varieties such that they have no crepant resolutions. Together with Grothendieck’s result, we provide an effective way to find diagonal hypersurfaces without crepant resolutions.