一直以來教室中的戲劇學習對於表演者的口說能力皆有正向的影響,數位學習劇場結合了數位科技與戲劇教學的理念,讓老師與學生能在教室中方便進行戲劇演出。但對於觀眾而言卻僅是觀看演出,並無實質的參與戲劇,經過長期觀察發現,當演員在舞台上表演時,台下的觀眾會因為與自己不相關而逐漸不去理會舞台上的演出,減少了台下觀眾的學習動機。 本研究提出具觀眾參與互動的數位劇場學習系統,將即時互動加入數位學習劇場中,讓觀眾能更投入舞台上的表演,並透過問答的方式學習演出的戲劇內容,使學生能與更參與舞台上的演出並吸收教學內容,而這些互動問答皆會以卡片的方式儲存下來,以供學生日後回顧。 為了瞭解此系統的使用成效,我們與桃園市某國中英語老師合作,並讓該英語老師所教導的九年級學生參與此次活動,並透過編擬試驗及自編問卷討論分析其使用成效。根據研究結果顯示,具觀眾參與的數位學習劇場能提升學生的學習成效。此外,針對學生使用數位學習劇場的參與度與專注力,學生對於具有互動問答的數位學習劇場會有較高的參與度與專注力。而老師也認為這樣的戲劇學習方式,能更快速的讓學生達成學習目標。 ;The Drama-in-Education (DIE) in the classroom has always had a positive impact on the performer’s oral communication skills. The digital learning theater (DLT) combines drama based learning and technology to allow teachers and students to perform theatrical performances in the classroom. However, the audience can only watch the show without substantial participation. After a long-term observation, it was found that when an actor performed on the stage, the audience would gradually ignore the performances on the stage because they were not related to themselves, thereby reducing the motivation of learning. In order to enable students to participate in the performance on the stage and absorb teaching content. This study proposes the digital learning theater with audience participation and interaction. It will add the interactive response to the digital learning theater, allowing the audience to put more focus on the stage performances, and learn the theatrical contents of the performance through question and answer. Moreover, the interactive question and answer will save it for students to review based on cards. According to the result, the digital learning theater with audience participation and interaction can improve student’s learning efficiency and outcomes. In addition, students will have a higher level of participation and concentration in the digital learning theater with audience participation and interaction. The teachers also believe that the digital learning theater with audience participation and interaction can enable students to achieve learning goals more quickly.