本篇論文針對多載波差分相調變系統中的傳輸延遲誤差(Propagation Delay Offset)問題提出估測法則,分別在已知及未知接收訊號時序的情況下。在本文中,我們估測多載波相位系統採用非同調偵測(Noncohernet Detection)時產生的傳輸延遲誤差,以數學分析估測的準確性,並以電腦驗証其正確性,無法分析的部份亦輔以電腦模擬。最後,比較本文中提到的二種估測法則之效能優劣。 The thesis presents how to estimate the propagation delay offset in multicarrier differential phase modulation systems, under the circumstance which the received signal’s symbol timing has and hasn’t been known. We analysis the estimation accuracy, and verify by computer simulation. Finally, we compared the performance of two approaches mentioned in this thesis