當未來自動駕駛車輛普及化,勢必會帶來相對應的影響,例如:自動駕駛車輛與手動駕駛車輛之間的非對稱交互影響。而為了維持道路服務品質,除了可透過高乘載管制與匝道管制外,亦可透過道路收費轉移壅塞路段流量,以維持道路服務品質。本研究透過兩階段求解方式探討於多車種(自動駕駛車輛與手動駕駛車輛)非對稱交互影響下的路段收費與路徑收費價格。結果顯示:(1) 路段收費價格高於路徑收費;(2) 於路段收費下,自動駕駛車輛的收費價格高於手動駕駛車輛;(3) 於路徑收費下,自動駕駛車輛的收費價格低於手動駕駛車輛。當未來政府推動自動化車輛相關政策時,可以路徑收費為參考,透過低收費之方式使民眾轉移使用自動駕駛車輛。;The autonomous vehicles (AVs) are getting more and more popular in recent years. As a result, asymmetric interactions between the AVs and manual vehicles can be easily observed and hence have certain impact on traffic flows. To maintain a required level of service, strategies such as high occupancy vehicle (HOV) and ramp metering have long been used. Moreover, when a toll is levied on either some links or full networks, travelers incurred with the toll would switch their route from currently congested links to less congested links so as to reduce their overall travel cost. This study uses two heuristics (link-based and path-based methods) instead for solving the multimodal link toll problem with asymmetric interactions. The results show that: (1) the toll under link-based toll is higher than path-based toll; (2) for link-based toll, the toll of AVs is higher than manual vehicles; (3) for path-based toll, the toll of AVs is lower than manual vehicles. When the government implement the fully automated traffic system, the path-based toll can be used as a reference to increase the willingness of people to use AVs by means of collecting lower tolls.