題名: | 《漢學師承記》續書研究;The Study on the Sequels of Hanxue Shichengji |
作者: | 謝欣芸;Hsieh, Hsin-Yun |
貢獻者: | 中國文學系 |
關鍵詞: | 江藩;漢學師承記;趙之謙;漢學師承續記;張星鑑;經學名儒記;桂文燦;經學博采錄;JIANG,FAN;Hanxue Shichengji;ZHAO,ZHI-QIAN;Hanxue Shicheng Xuji;ZHANG,XING-JIAN;Jingxue Mingruji;GUI,WEN-CAN;Jingxue BocaiIu |
日期: | 2019-07-25 |
上傳時間: | 2019-09-03 12:28:19 (UTC+8) |
出版者: | 國立中央大學 |
摘要: | 《漢學師承記》為清代嘉慶年間總結漢學之作,本論文旨在透過三本《漢學師承記》續傳:《漢學師承續記》、《名儒記》、《博采錄》,了解嘉慶以後的清代漢學沿革。三書雖然未必皆有續作《漢學師承記》之意圖,但人們仍將三書與《漢學師承記》並提,並視之為續書,因書中內容皆以收錄漢學家為主,且作者時代又都晚於江藩,並接觸過續書的相關討論。故本論文亦將三書視為續書,藉以探究《漢學師承記》成書後的漢學發展。本文先概述嘉慶以後的社會、政治及經濟問題,接著探討三本續傳的作者生平及師友、著作主張及特色,最後再進行比較,略論續書如何重新定義漢學,並回應時代問題,延續漢學發展。通過上述研究,可見嘉慶以後的漢學家,對漢宋之爭的看法較為包容,而續書除了收錄漢學家的學術著作,也希望透過漢學家的言行記錄,結合學術與經世,解決時代問題,彌補漢學的缺點。 《漢學師承續記》作者為趙之謙,體裁與《漢學師承記》相同,收錄傳主為《漢學師承記》中未有詳細記載,或是不及收錄的漢學家。本書以「漢學」為名,以區別宋學,因此書中每篇傳記皆摘錄傳主的著作內容,評價其漢學專長及貢獻。此外,是書亦以「師承」為名,記錄傳主的師友及弟子,釐清漢學的傳承及發展。可惜本書為殘稿,亦沒有刊刻出版,即使書中以第一手資料所撰寫的傳記尤為難得,也沒有引起學術界注意。 《經學名儒記》作者為張星鑑,為小傳體裁,收錄顧炎武以至陳奐的知名漢學家,記錄他們的生平基本資料和經學著作。本書並非純以承續《漢學師承記》為志,因此將書名擴大為「經學」,並希望透過名儒的傳記,呈現清代的漢學演進。雖然他以「經學」來回應對漢學的批評,但書中並未收錄宋學家,而且傳記過於簡略,因此雖兩次刊刻,仍未產生足夠的影響力。 《經學博采錄》作者為桂文燦,為筆記體裁,廣泛收錄自乾隆以後的漢學家,尤其注重收錄各地區的學者,如廣東、雲南、四川等地,這些學者雖未必廣為人知,但仍堅持研究漢學。本書以「經學」為名,來回應對漢學的批評,因此傳主包括漢學家、宋學家,漢學家也不限於東漢古文學家,也同時包括西漢今文學家,以呈現「漢宋兼采」的學術包容態度。書中同時強調學者解決社會問題的貢獻,可見桂文燦以經世致用為其學術目標。 雖然三書皆以記錄漢學家為目標,但三位作者的籍貫、師承、學識以及交遊都不相同。不過,三位作者彼此認識,共同經歷道光、咸豐、同治、光緒時期,並透過著作記錄親身經歷及個人感懷。書中明顯可見三人都受到太平天國之亂的影響,解決時代問題極為迫切,故特別強調經世致用。以往學界認定,漢學與經世濟民的理想嚴重隔閡,故在嘉慶後便已沉寂,但這三本書卻足以修正此一看法。這些續書記錄了自嘉慶至清末的漢學家們,以「漢宋兼采」的方式,保有原本紮實的學術根基,修正支離瑣碎的缺點,並吸納宋學強調道德修養的特色,同時擴大研究範圍,汲取西漢今文學家通經致用的思考方式,進一步與西方思想結合,廣泛接觸各種學科,以期能真正落實經世致用的理想,迎接時代的挑戰。 ;Hanxue Shichengji is the conclusion for Hanxue during the reign of Emperor Jiaqing, who was the seventh emperor of Qing Dynasty. The purpose of this master thesis is to understand the change and development of Hanxue since the reign of Emperor Jiaqing by discussing three sequels of Hanxue Shichengji, Hanxue Shicheng Xuji, Jingxue Mingruji, and Jingxue BocaiIu. Although three authors do not intend to act their books as sequels, the public still consider them to be sequels to Hanxue Shichengji. It is partly because the articles of all three books are mainly from Hanxue scholars, who are born after Jiang Fan and are involved in the discussion of the sequel to Hanxue Shichengji. As a consequence, this thesis takes these three books as sequels, and focuses on the development of Hanxue after Hanxue Shichengji. In the beginning, the society, politics, and economic problems since the reign of Emperor Jiaqing are generally introduced. Further, the biography and life of the authors, and the claim and characteristics of the three books are discussed. At last, a comparison is made to know how the three books redefine the Hanxue, react to the contemporary problems, and then help the development of the Hanxue. After this research, we know that, after the reign of Jiaqing, scholars of Hanxue are with more tolerant opinions regarding the dispute between Hanxue and Songxue. The Sequels have included several academic works of Hanxue scholars, with a view to combing Hanxue in theory and practice, through the discussion of their words and deeds. At last, the disadvantages of Hanxue can be compensated. Hanxue Shicheng Xuji is written by ZHAO ZHI-QIAN, and its genre of writing is the same as Hanxue Shichengji. The scholars of this book are not written with detail whose works can’t be included on Hanxue Shichengji. This book is named Hanxue to distinguish Songxue. Therefore, this book extracts the content of the articles of different scholars, with an evaluation on their expertise and contribution regarding Hanxue. This book is also named Shicheng to record these scholars’ teachers, friends, and students, which can help clarify the inheritance and development of Hanxue. Unfortunately, this book is incomplete and unpublished. Although the biographies of this book, written with the first-hand information, are precious, they are not valued by the academia. The author of Jingxue Mingruji is ZHANG XING-JIAN, and its type of literature is memoirs, including works of famous people from GU YAN-WU to CHEN HUAN, which focus on their life and works of Confucian classics. This book is not just the continuation of Hanxue Shichengji, so it is also called Jingxue. We hope to understand the development of Hanxue in Qing Dynasty by recording the biographies of famous scholars. Although the author wants to respond to the criticism of Hanxue through Jingxue, this book doesn’t include Songxue scholars. Moreover, biographies are too brief to influence the academia, despite being published twice. The author of Jingxue BocaiIu is GUI WEN-CAN, the type of literature is notes. The works of the Hanxue scholars after Qianlong are widely included, and areas such as Guangdong, Yunnan, Sichuan and other areas are especially focused. Although these scholars are not famous to people, they insist on studying Hanxue. This book is named Jingxue to respond to criticism of Hanxue, so authors of this book include Hanxue and Songxue. Also, Hanxue scholars are not only Guwen in Western Han, but also Jinwen in Eastern Han.He believes this method can understand the dispute between Hanxue and Songxue.This book also emphasizes the contribution to solving social problems made by scholars, in which we can know what GUI WEN-CAN wants to use with academic aims. Although the three books all focus on recording Hanxue scholars as their goals, their authors are different in terms of birthplace, teachers, studies, and friends. But, three authors are acquainted with each other, and went through the reign of Daoguang, Xianfeng , Tongzhi, and Guangxu, so they write biography in order to keep record of their own experience and emotions. We can go through their books and know the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom influences their lives greatly. So they want to solve the social problems urgently, and especially emphasize practical use. Three books revise the concept that, for the academia, Hanxue is difficult to be used practically, which remains unknown after Jiaqing. They record Hanxue scholars revise the fragment and defect of Hanxue by combining Hanxue and Songxue, and emphasize the morality. At the same time, they broaden the research scope to combine Confucian classics of Guwen in Western Han with Western thought. By doing so, Hanxue scholars are able to contact every study widely with solid academic basic, and confirm the foundation of practical use. Therefore, these scholars can encounter the challenges on contemporary issues, which are developed until the end of Qing Dynasty. |
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