本論文目的在於設計12V鋰電池包,可串聯組成所需電源,串聯後使用方式相似鉛酸電池的使用。本論文以先前自走車電源系統之鋰電池包為基礎修改而成。其中微控制器應用於控制電路切換與偵測電池充電狀態。 本論文在電池包充電模式下,有分壓控制電路並聯於鋰電池包正負極。此電路設計目的為能維持串聯各電池包充電所需充電電流、串聯各電池包充電器正常運作的輸入電壓。因此能達成各級電池包在不同充電狀態下能各自完成充電不互相干擾。 當電池包接上負載後,電池包會切換迴路,此迴路不再流經充電器與分壓控制電路讓各電池包串聯供電負載的迴路。電池包充電與放電切換,透過監控每一電池包之電壓、電流,作為切換電池包狀態的判斷依據。本論文驗證此電池包中各電路的功能性是否符合設計目標。 ;The purpose of this thesis is to develop a 12V lead acid battery compatible Li-ion battery package so that multiple battery packs can be connected in series for charging or load driving like lead acid batteries. A MCU is applied to control the circuit switching as well as to estimate the charging status of the batteries. In the charging mode, a current bypass circuit in parallel to a Li-ion battery pack to maintain constant charging voltage drop across each battery pack in series to the charging power supply. Thus, battery packs at different charging states can all be charged to their individual capacity. When the packs in series is connected to a load burden, the circuit is switched to simple serial connection to drive the load. Switching between charging supply and load burden were tested with the voltage and current of each battery pack monitored and reported to verify their proper functionality.