本論文主要針對欲通過德國 StVZO法規 (K-mark)與歐洲ECE法規 (E-mark - CLASS B) 之LED車前燈做分析,搭配一般市售高功率白光LED為光源,探討二次光學機構在光學設計空間上的極限。針對法規要求,在設計光形的截止線上方需有一塊暗區區域,此暗區被要求低於某一照度值。在越緊縮的光學設計空間中,經由二次光學機構投射出來的光形會有暈開的雜散光,使原先設計之暗區能量過高而無法通過法規,如何由模擬中分析出雜光來源,並在實驗中將之以不同的優化實驗方式做處理修復,是本篇論文之要點之一。 相較於一般市售的車前燈,常是以一塊不透光之擋板,以損耗能量的方式去塑造出一條銳利的截止線。而本論文設計之車前燈是採用8塊光學面,以能量疊加的方式塑造出截止線,在功率約2.1瓦特的條件下Emax達50 lux以上,暗區照度僅1.6 lux,且具一清晰銳利之截止線並通過德國K-mark法規規範之高亮度照明光學設計產品。 我們並提出點光源追跡與眼球成像系統的概念,探討在複雜的照明系統中,能得到一精準的初階光學設計模擬結果,且將暗區雜光來源抽絲剝繭,進而修復出可通過法規之光形。 ;In this thesis, the space limit of the secondary optical mechanism in the optic design has been extensively explored with the commercial high power white LEDs which follow the German StVZO regulations (K-mark) and the European ECE regulations (E-mark - CLASS B). According to these regulations, a dark area of illuminance less than a certain value is required to present above the cutoff line of the projecting light pattern. Within a limited space for optical design, the resulting projecting light patterns through the secondary optical mechanism will become very dizzy. As a result, the illuminance of the dark area goes too high and fails over the regulations. We have proposed a practical process to trace out the source of stray lights from the reflector by simulation and eliminated the stray lights by alternative optimization. In the meantime, the concept of point source tracking and eyes imaging system is also developed for a more precise primary optic design of a complex lighting system. In such a way, the sources of stray lights can be easily traced out, and then eliminated as to follower the regulations.