本研究探討含斜撐構材之鋼管混凝土柱基礎接合耐震行為,藉由七組試體之軸向力與側向力組合載重試驗,探討埋置深度(Depth)、錨定螺桿(Anchor bolts)及錨定頭型加強鋼筋(T-headed bars)等參數與含斜撐柱基礎接合行為之關係。 研究結果顯示,含斜撐之柱基礎因斜撐加入致使基礎主要受軸向力控制,而非一般由彎矩控制,軸向拉力對基礎耐震行為之影響較其受軸向壓力時為大。當基礎受拉時,基礎內之三種抵抗機制將同時承受力量。當基礎埋置深度不足時,基礎混凝土會以應力錐型式碎裂,此時錨定頭型加強鋼筋會因無混凝土媒介,以致無法發揮其強度,然因錨定螺桿與鋼管混凝土柱底板之接合作用,基礎仍可繼續發揮其抗拉強度。實驗結果亦顯示,錨定頭型加強鋼筋與錨定螺桿對基礎強度發揮之貢獻,隨埋置深度增加而減低。 Concrete-filled tubes (CFT) have been studied for years, and have been proven to be effective structural forms that possess significant strength and ductility. Such performance is achieved through interaction between the steel and the concrete, because occurrence of tube buckling is delayed by in-filled concrete support and the compressive strength of concrete is also enhanced by the tube confinement. Current studies on the behavior of CFT are mostly focused on their compressive or beam-column responses. Information on the behavior of their column base connections is still limited. This study is focused on the evaluation of column base connection with brace member one side of the column. Test results show that the seismic performance of column base connections with braces is governed by the combined lateral and axial tension. Resistance of base connection can be evaluated by the strength sum of the three component mechanisms: concrete bearing, anchor bolts and T-headed bars. Foundation concrete was found to fail in stress cone when insufficient CFT embedded depth was adopted. It is also found that strength requirements for T-headed bars and anchor bolts reduce when the embedded depths increase.