台灣地區存在許多磚造或加強磚造RC 結構,由於地震科學不斷演進,使得這些依據老舊規範所設計的結構多不能滿足現階段耐震規範。由結構安全及耐久性的角度觀之,這些耐震能力不足的結構應予以進行適當之補強。含磚牆RC 結構在地震力作用之下為一複雜之非線性力學行為。在發展含磚牆RC 結構工法及規範的過程中,一般採用實驗及數值模擬二種方式進行之。 本研究嘗試利用不連續變形分析法(DDA)和有限元素法(FEM)的結合,發展一個二維含磚牆RC 結構動態非線性行為的數值分析程序。在數值模擬方式上,混凝土、磚塊與水泥砂漿採用二維有限元素單元,鋼筋採用一維桁架單元,磚塊與水泥砂漿間粘結介面則是採用介面元素。在材料模型的選擇中,混凝土採用非線性彈性模型加以描述混凝土在加卸載過程中的非線性行為,鋼筋使用? 折線理想彈塑性模型。此外採用分佈裂縫模型與損傷理論並配合各材料的破壞準則,模擬各元素產生開裂後的力學行為。 以一分析程序的功能與合理性,透過一系列數值算例並和實驗結果之比較進行驗證。其中RC 構架所計算出來的遲滯迴圈有助於提供地震分析與結構設計時的輔助工具。 The behaviors of reinforced concrete (RC) structures containing brick wall under earthquake loading are quite complicated. It is very difficult to analyze the problem analytically. Experiment and numerical simulation are two possible solutions to extract reference information for the development of design code. However, the experimental approach requires much effort and expense to built very limited number of specimens to explore the behaviors of RC structures. The main advantage of using numerical simulation code to study the structural problem is that any detail response of the system can be detected easily from the calculated data. In this study, a computation code is developed to simulate the nonlinear dynamic behaviors of RC structure containing brick walls. Both the finite element method (FEM) and the discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) were adopted to built up the numerical analysis procedure. Two-dimensional solid elements are used to model the concrete and brick and mortar materials and truss elements are used to model the reinforcement. The joint effect between the mortar and brick is modeled by joint element. The elastic-plastic response of reinforcement is considered in the analysis. An equivalent strain model that can characterize the nonlinear loading and unloading behavior of concrete material is applied. To simplify the analysis of cracked elements, the smear crack model and associated damage theories were used for the material points satisfying failure criteria. The accuracy and effectiveness of this newly developed simulation code were verified by the matching between numerical prediction and experimental result of various cases. The hysteresis load-displacement response for a RC frame can be calculated that is very helpful for the seismic analysis and retrofitting design.