景觀工程為傳統營造建工程的其中一環,但近年來由於都市規劃、城市再造之規劃興起,景觀工程逐漸變成一門專業施工項目,然而除了像一般工程會發生履約爭議外等,景觀工程因為其特殊性,例如像是植栽保活問題、景觀美感因人而異及景觀工程品質難以定義之因素等,屢屢造成甲乙雙方間之爭議,因此若能將景觀工程常見爭議與傳統工程爭議類型進行比較,進而釐清景觀工程爭議發生之原因及爭議發生後如何有效處理爭議,對於日後預防爭議的發生將有所助益。本研究以法院判決中景觀工程常見之工程爭議做為分析之目標,進而歸納目前常見之景觀工程爭議類型,並與一般傳統營建工程進行比較,彙整其兩者爭議類別有何區別,並經由案例分析與專家之問卷調查及訪問,釐清日後如何因應本研究所釐清的履約爭議常見問題及後續求償及解決方式。 ;Landscape projects are a part of traditional construction projects. However, in recent years, landscape has become a professional due to the rise of planning in new urban development and urban reconstruction. Excluding the common disputes in general construction projects, landscape projects suffer some extra dispute types, such as, the problem of plant with keep-alive cause, aesthetic feeling to be different from person to person, and the quality of landscape projects without clear definition. It is clear that contract disputes appear commonly in landscape projects. Therefore, it is necessary to identify common disputes for landscape projects and to distinguish the differences between those identified disputes to common disputes in traditional construction projects. Those outcomes are beneficial to prevent disputes in landscape projects in the future. Based on the cases retrieved from the case database of the court in Taiwan, this study identifies the common disputes in landscape projects, and compares the findings with the common disputes in traditional construction projects. Moreover, this study performs a questionnaire survey on domain experts and discusses with them to propose the potential responses to those identified disputes in landscape projects. It is anticipated that the research outcomes could be a reference for solving common performance disputes in landscape projects in Taiwan.