本研究是一個三年期離心機動態模型試驗計畫,主要目的在模擬台灣不同基礎型式低矮樓層建築物受震液化後之沉陷、傾斜與基礎反力行為,這些試驗資料將做為總計畫內其他相關子計畫數值模型與經驗公式的校正基準。第一年試驗計畫係以台灣典型淺基腳之5樓建築物為對象,選擇兩種大小尺寸之淺基礎與筏式基礎,製作建築結構物與基礎模型,模擬在表層10m液化地層上受震時之建物沉陷、傾角與基礎反力之行為。目的在了解不同接觸應力與地坪剛度對建物沉陷與傾斜之影響。第二年試驗計畫則針對小基腳版之建築物,變化液化土層之位置,使液化土層頂部分別在0、1倍、2倍、3倍基礎寬度之深度,測試淺基礎應力影響圈與液化土層位置對建築物沉陷、傾斜與基礎反力大小之影響,檢討工程界常使用之土壤液化潛能指數定義的合適性。第三年計畫係針對一層地下室基礎、小尺寸樁基礎與及連續壁等基礎型式之建築物進行液化受震反應試驗。目的在測試其他基礎型式對降低建築物液化沉陷與傾斜之效果,並量測基礎版下土壤反力變化行為,以作為基礎版設計結構之依據。這些試驗數據將作為驗證其他計畫之數值分析模式與簡易經驗公式合理性之資料平台,長期也是國際學術界重要之試驗資料庫平台。試驗所衍生之成果可作為預估液化建物地震損失與基礎抗液化設計之參考。 ;This project is a three-year project of dynamic centrifuge model test for simulating the seismic response behavior of typical low-rise buildings with different types of foundations seated on liquefiable ground in Taiwan. The measurement will focus on the responses of acceleration, pore water pressure, contact pressure, settlement and tilt of building. The test results will be used to verify the appropriateness of the numerical analysis models and empirical equations used in other sub-projects for predicting the post-liquefaction settlement and tilt of building. The first year project will use a typical five-story building with shallow footing as the test subject. The model tests will be repeated by changing the conditions of free field, footing size, and mat foundation to understand the influence of contact pressure on the liquefaction-induced settlement and tilt of building. The test subject in the second year will focus on a typical five-story building with small footing by varying the positions of underlying liquefiable layer below the footing. The top positions of the underlying liquefiable layer will be located at zero, one, two, and three times of the width of footing to investigate the influence of contact pressure bulb and the positions of liquefiable layer on the liquefaction-induced settlement and tilt of building. Based the test results, the soil liquefaction potential index (LPI) that commonly used in practice will be re-examined and make necessary correction. The third year project is to perform model tests on the buildings with other foundation types, such as basement foundation, small pile and slurry wall to investigate the possibility of their use for mitigating the liquefaction-induced settlement and tilt of building. The measured foundation reaction response can be used a basis for structural design of foundation slab. These test data will provide an important data platform for validating the numerical analysis model and empirical equations used in other sub-projects. In the long run, it is also a valuable experimental data base for the future liquefaction-related research in international academy communities. The derived results from this experimental test program will form a valuable reference for liquefaction-induced building damage loss estimation and countermeasure design for mitigating liquefaction hazard.