綜所皆知,擋土牆在大地工程中扮演著相當重要的角色;在學術上,許許多多有關擋土牆的研究也陸陸續續地發表。可是,幾乎每個調查都只針對一種特定擋土牆進行分析,缺少綜合型的研究案針對不同擋土牆利用同樣的研究方法進行比較分析。因此,本案為首次針對四種常見的擋土牆一起進行研究,分別為蜂巢格網擋土牆、蛇籠擋土牆、模組磚擋土牆、與格柵式擋土牆。而本研究可解答下列兩個重要的問題: 1)以上哪種擋土牆最耐震? 2) 當背填土受壓時,以上哪種擋土牆有最大的乘載力? 為了讓本研究結果更有說服力,同樣的研究方法、步驟、與實驗設備將運用於以上各種擋土牆的調查;主要的研究方法包括1)離心機試驗;2)數值模擬與參數分析。另外,3D列印技術也將運用於本研究案中。 ;The soil retaining wall is one of the important structures in civil engineering, and many studies regarding the topic have been reported. However, each study was focused on a specific type of retaining wall, and not a comprehensive study investigating and comparing the advantages and disadvantages of different retaining walls, with the same research methodology, procedure, and equipment, has even been reported. Therefore, the proposed study is the first comprehensive research aiming to investigate four retaining walls altogether, namely geocell walls, gabion walls, modular-block walls, and crib-block walls. With this study, we can address the interesting and critical questions: 1) which is most/least stable on earthquake condition; and 2) which has most/least bearing capacity when subject to static loading on the backfill. The same research methodology will be used to investigate the characteristics of each wall for a more meaningful comparison, which mainly consists of centrifuge tests and numerical studies. Last but not least, the proposed study will utilize 3D printing in this geotechnical research, which we have accumulated some good experience from past projects.