摘要: | 亞洲大氣污染物(包含酸性污染物、亞洲沙塵、霾害、生質燃燒、有害物質等)的生成、排放、輸送、轉化等物理與化學過程相當複雜,其長程傳送對台灣已形成相當衝擊,對區域環境與氣候干擾亦可能間接影響台灣。吾人擬就本整合計畫前五期(2003/8-2018/7) 所建構之軟硬體基礎,包含鹿林山大氣背景站(與環保署合作興建)、東沙島與太平島輻射背景站,各項微量大氣化學監測技術、大氣化學模式、氣候統計與分析技術、遙測技術等,以及七海國際實驗之參與 (Seven South East Asian Studies,7-SEAS)及科學成果為基礎,重新調整議題內涵,申請新計畫第一期(2018/8-2021/7)之第二年2019/8-2020/7,進行現行監測網站之大氣化學與物理觀測,建立長期大氣化學與輻射資料庫,進行科學議題探討;再者,繼7-SEAS I (2010-2012):2010 年 Dongsha Experiment、2011-2012年越南Son La Campaign,2013-2015年7-SEAS II全面性國際實驗BASELInE,Phase III (2016-2018)的區域監測網發展與資料應用,進入Phase IV(2019-2021)以及2020春季第三次大型實驗。本期總計畫擬結合地面監測及大氣遙測,大氣化學與輻射模式模擬,提出三年整合計畫,探討亞洲大氣污染物之長程輸送與其對區域環境及氣候衝擊。此外,整合國內能量參與7-SEAS IV,就東南亞生質燃燒所引發之環境與區域氣候干擾做一整合研究,以及推動與建立東南亞監測聯網 Network of Networks and Stations。本期總計畫重點,其一,為持續整合與維護現行監測網之運轉與資料庫建立維護;其二,整合國內能量參與7-SEAS IV;其三,推動與建立東南亞Network of Networks and Stations,進行常態性區域大氣污染物監測,並促進區域資料交換、技術交流、人才培育。其四,規劃第三次論文專刊。本年度最終工作重點則為參與7-SEAS 2020春季第三次大型實驗(第二次aerosol-cloud interaction 密集觀測),結合國內單位能量,派送人員與儀器至中南半島泰北與北越進行測試觀測。本島於鹿林山作為下風受體監測。 ;The physical and chemical processes of formation, emission, transport and transformation of atmospheric pollutants including acid substances, regional haze, Asian dust, biomass burning and atmospheric mercury in Asian region are very complicated, resulting in impact on regional environment and climate. Taiwan is also influenced by such impact in direct and indirect ways. Therefore, this proposed project with a reformed title Phase I (2018/8-2021/7) will continue the legacy of previous Phases I-V, and further to integrate ground-based measurements, remote sensing observation, climatic dynamic analysis, and model simulation in order to analyze the physiochemical processes during the long-range transport of above atmospheric pollutants, and further to assess their impact on regional climate. Besides, we will collaborate with USA Navy and NASA’s 7-SEAS (7 South East Asian Studies) for investigating the impact of biomass burning of Southeast Asia in order to study the impact of atmospheric pollutants and biomass burning of the South Asia. So far, we have conducted the 7-SEAS pre-studies: 2010 Dongsha Experiment, 2011-2012 Son La Campaigns in northern Vietnam, and 2013-2015 BASELInE for identifying the characteristics of biomass burning aerosol and pollution over source and receptor regions. Meanwhile, the first special issue has published 28 papers on 2013 October of Atmospheric Environment. The Phase II (2013-2015) of 7-SEAS has been being carried out for studying the aerosol and cloud interactions. The second special issue has published 27 papers on 2016 November of Aerosol and Air Quality Research. Besides, we are planning the third special issue after 7-SEAS 2020 Spring campaign. |