近年來,由於特定工業區污染排放與當地居民健康關聯性之爭議,細懸浮微粒PM2.5議題的發燒,加上中國霾害益發嚴重並經由長城傳送而影響到下風處台灣的空氣品質,在在引起公眾注意,也喚起民眾重視空氣污染的危害,也對公部門積極作為抱持高度期待。因此,環保署基於空污防制技術建立提升與科學問題釐清,每年由空污費編列預算與科技部合作,邀集相關專家學者討論可能科學研究議題,並公開徵求建議書方式,進行解決問題與促進研發。因此,本計畫旨在協助科技部規劃與審議空氣污染相關研究議題,以及環保署空污費研究補助計畫規劃與審議,PM2.5與空氣污染前瞻與開創型計畫之推動與審查相關事宜。 ;Air pollution has been bringing much public attention in recent years particularlywhen China’s haze transported to downwind Taiwan is widely aware. TaiwanEPA has budgeted funding to support researches for control technologies andscientific issues of air pollution in Taiwan. Meanwhile, MOST helps EPA tooversee and call a panel to review all proposals for selection based on themission oriented topics. Prof. Lin will form a review panel of experts in the field ofair pollution and related areas for discussing the research topics of call-forproposalsand making a final decision of proposal selection.