本計畫是藉由執行中之科技部計畫“液態切片中核酸與二氧化矽表面作用機制探討於生物醫學分子檢測之應用”之執行成果與二氧化矽於核酸萃取機制之暸解,提出一以立體紙基結合二氧化矽的填充與鋪植技術發展一簡易核酸萃取套組於檢查點液態切片之使用的與產品發展。二氧化矽表面提供大量矽氫氧基,藉由環境的酸鹼值與鹽離子種類與濃度等,可以提供不同分子量核酸(核醣核酸或去氧核醣核酸)分子等分離純化機制,配合立體紙張所建構的微流道系統,可能可以提供在檢測點或落後地區核酸萃取以作為執行檢測目標分子時,提供簡易定性篩選套組。所以本計畫將以建立紙基的流道系統研究為主,研究加入二氧化矽微粒填充與鋪植對流道之影響等建立一核酸萃取簡易套組為研發目標。 ;This proposal is based on researches outcomes and knowledge built from the MOST undergoing project “Studies of binding mechanism between nucleic acids with silicasurface of liquid biopsy and its applications in biomolecular diagnosis”. We are proposing to develop a 3D paper based nucleic acid, especially for miRNA, extraction kit for low-resource settings disease/cancer screening. Paper based analytical diagnostics (PAD) has attracted extensive attention due to its low cast, simple fabrication and can be coupled with complex microfluidic function. However, attentions are mostly in diagnostics and for mostly protein/enzyme detection. The high hurdle of purification (sample preparation) of nucleic acids for the paper diagnostics limits and poorly suited for the applications of the PAD in nucleic acids detection. In this project, we propose a 3D paper based miRNA extraction kit. The aim is to develop a purification/extraction kit of miRNA from cell and liquid tissues. We will incorporate exosome purification, protein precipitation, nucleic acids extraction and miRNA enhancement and recovery into the 3D PAD. Antibody for exosome, solvent design and silica powder adsorption are the basic mechanism applied for the 3D fluidic design.