Kepler 和TESS太空望遠鏡和地基的ZTF廣角巡天望遠鏡提供大量的高精度的測光資料,使得時域天文學進入全新的局面。我們將結合這些資料進行恆星閃焰、星斑、自轉與年齡關係以及金牛座型恆星的自轉週期分佈和統計研究。這些有關恆星磁場活動和角動量傳輸的效應都和行星系統形成和系外行星的適居條件極為有關。中央大學天文所透過國際及兩岸合作建立的超快測光望遠鏡合作,將可應用在恆星閃焰亮度變化的研究。由於ZTF巡天觀測資料包羅萬象,除了重力波光學對應體的追蹤觀察等工作外,太陽系小行星的亮度曲線的資料可以用來尋找超快轉動的C-型小行星;檢查木星托洛伊小行星和4.0天文單位的希爾達(Hilda)是否有同樣的整體密度。這些問題的答案會對太陽系早期歷史的冰質物體的分佈和軌道演變提供重要的線索。 ;Because of the high-precision photometric measurements made possible by space telescopes like Kepler and TESS, and ground-based wide-field observational facilities like ZTF (Zwicky Transient Facility), many time variable phenomena in stars and exoplanets have become accessible to detailed investigations On the basis of our previous work, we propose to carry out a multi-year data-driven project to study the physical properties and interrelationship of the stellar superflares, star spots, gyrochronology, and the rotation period distributions of the T Tauri stars that could be crucial to the formation of exoplanetary systems and habitability. While the public data archives of Kepler and TESS will be extensively used, a key asset in our project has to do with our partnership in ZTF, namely, the TANGO project. The photometric data now being collected by ZTF since March 2018 will allow very comprehensive study of the gyrochronology relation of a wide range of stellar ages. By the same token, the ultra-high cadence (~10 Hz) measurements to be achieved by TAOS and other Taiwan-related cooperative projects could break new ground in the analysis of stellar flare effects. Because of the unprecedented wid-field capability of ZTF observations, all types of solar system moving objects and astrophysical transients including the gravitational wave – optical counterparts can be attempted. As an add-on, a new line of research in this respect is the search for the C-type super-fast rotating asteroids and the rotational distributions of the Hilda asteroids. These topics might be important in deciphering the internal composition of these outer main-belt objects in 3:2 resonance with Jupiter and the mass transport process in the early solar system history.