氣候變遷、全球暖化的成因與未來的變化趨勢是全球最關注的議題之一。相關的研究透過輻射驅動力的模擬來探討地球能量收支的改變及影響。目前,對於氣膠輻射驅動力的估算不確定性還很大。這是由於氣膠的種類、物化性質有很高的時空變異性。因此,透過科技部這幾年的支持,目前衛星遙測技術上,氣膠辨識與氣膠混合的已得到初顯著的研究成果。然而,衛星反演的氣膠參數是整層空氣柱的資訊,這與民眾的觀感和健康有所落差。PM在近年來已成為全球最關注的議題,尤其是直徑小於等於2.5微米的PM2.5。本計畫欲發展的重點之一即為: 將二維的氣膠資訊擴展到三維氣膠參數,特別是大多民眾所關心的近地面PM資訊。本計畫於去年度(107年度)蒐集並分析2005-2014年間環保署中大站(EPA-NCU)的光達資料。其結果發現對數常態分布函數(lognormal distribution function)的曲線與單峰型的氣膠垂直廓線頗為相似。因此,我們提出用對數常態分布函數擬合氣膠消光係數廓線的方法,期待藉由衛星資料反演大範圍且三維的氣膠資訊。在未來,需要更進一步考慮氣膠種類以得到更準確PM結果。同時,本計畫將嘗試將該研究方法應用於亞洲新一代的地球同步衛星,向日葵8號衛星(Himawari-8, H-8),以達到近即時監測的效果。在第三年度(109年度),我們規劃將衛星反演與地面觀測的PM$2.5資料應用於 WRF-Chem 的三維變分資料同化(3DVAR)。期待建立東亞、東南亞區域性的空污監測與預報系統,達成亞洲地區即時監測與污染物源區、傳送路徑與擴散預報等先進遙測科技之研發與與應用。 ;The air pollution in Asia and Africa is the top issue in the world, which significantly impact on human health and environment/climate in regional and global scale. In particular, the man-made components of aerosols are increasing with industry growth in Asia. Since different aerosol types exhibit different absorption and scattering properties which can affect the solar incoming and outgoing radiance, the impacts on radiative forcing at the surface and the top of atmosphere will lead to changes of radiative budget, rainfall pattern and global climate. The previous studies indicate that it’s essential to consider aerosol parameters in atmospheric and climate models to retrieve more reasonable and accurate results. The investigation of aerosol source regions and pathway thus important to eliminate/prevent the severe air pollution in Asia. The construction of a real time monitoring and forecasting/warming system for a wide region air quality is urgently needed. Therefore, this research aims at the developing of the integration of satellite and ground based observations to fit the requirements of monitoring and forecasting/warming system in air quality, including (1) mapping aerosol vertical distribution with data from Micro Pulse Lidar (MPL) in first year of this project, (2) aerosol data assimilation association with aerosol vertical distribution, AOD retrieval and aerosol partition for the initial condition of 3D aerosols during the second year, and (3) the examination and construction of the near real time monitoring and forecasting/warming system for air quality in Asia based on WRF-chem model in the last year.