臺灣的強降雨事件發生機率,隨全球變遷暖化情境將有顯著增加的趨勢,因此防災及減災的需求就變得更加迫切,極端降雨事件是由對流性降雨所產生,生命週期較短且範圍較小,常發生在觀測稀缺的偏遠地區。為了要捕捉到這些極端事件,需要連續與較大範圍的觀測才能夠達成,本研究希望透過地球同步衛星的資料所開發的定量降水估計技術來達成此一目標,然而過去地球同步衛星並無法提供雲微物理參數的資訊,但在2014年10月隨著Himawari-8的發射入軌成功後,由Himawari-8資料所得到的雲微物理參數產品也在國立中央大學太空及遙測研究中心被反演出來,Himawari-8雲微物理參數的資料,將採空間解析度為2km,時間解析度為10分鐘,故本研究將透過高時空解析度的雲微物理參數資料,研發出具有高時間及空間解析度的衛星定量降水估計產品,並且進一步分析雲雨過程及強降雨的發生氣候特徵,以增進災害應變管理的能力。 ;There is an increasing trend of extreme precipitation event occurrence frequency in Taiwan, in particular under the warming scenario. Therefore, for the purpose of disaster mitigation and risk reduction, it is critical to have the information of precipitation, in terms of its intensity, duration and etc. Although we have some meteorological satellite precipitation product from global scale, we need high temporal and spatial resolutions in Taiwan for many applications. Therefore, we anticipate to establish the capacity for he meteorological satellite quantitative precipitation estimation (MSQPE). Currently, Japanese geostationary satellite, Himawarui-8/-9, are taking observation routinely, at each 10 minutes and 2 km spatial resolution in infrared channels. We propose to take the observation from IR, and polar orbiting satellite GPM observation to conduct the traditional QPE. We also propose to generate the MSQPE from the use of cloud-top microphysical properties. After the MSQPE is validated with both rain gauge and similar global QPE datasets, we propose to analysis the cloud-to-precipitation processes from the continuous observation and data from geostationary orbit as well.