台灣地震科學中心為防震減災,並深入探討台灣地震之孕震構造,積極推動許多研究,諸如活動構造、地殼變形、都會區地震等。因應各項計畫對儀器之需求,中心已成立地震儀器服務平台,共同使用、集中管理、提高地震儀器的使用效率與資料品質。「地震儀器服務平台」成立以來,提供大量地震儀器,支援各式研究,成效卓著。由於與地震研究相關的地球物理儀器性質不同,故建議另外成立「地球物理儀器中心」,掌管震測、重磁、地電、地熱、海上地球物理、及井測等事項,此類地球物理儀器主要用於地下構造探查,如主軸能源計畫、氣象局、地調所等相關研究都可使用。本地球物理服務平台設有共用儀器池及維修體系,並提供受過專業訓練的技術人力,協助各計畫進行有關儀器安裝、操作及資料初步處理的工作,本年度工作著重於:(1)建構三分量無纜線震測系統,提升震測在地形起伏地區或是茂密林區的探測能力,亦可配合臨時地震觀測網,獨立運作收錄地震資料;(2)建立海底地震儀,提供海上震測,尤其是台灣海峽及大屯火山構造研究的需求;(3)建置即時動態衛星定位系統,提升小尺度探測區域測點位置之座標精度;(4)配合現有透地雷達系統之探測天線組,增購透地雷達主機設備,達到多工探測;(5)支援各大學地物實習課程及開辦儀器訓練課程,促進對新一代儀器的認識並進一步提高儀器的使用效率;(6)支援地科重大科學研究,例如ATSEE後續計畫、地熱探勘計畫、CCS計畫、新南向計畫,提供儀器、及野外工作之運作及技術支持。 ;In order to serve variable earthquake studies, a seismologic instrument service center has been set up by Taiwan Earthquake Research Center. The center manages different kinds of earthquake instruments to support different high-density, short-term, and long-term observations of earthquakes and imaging details of earth structures. The seismologic instrument service center has been very successful in the past years. Due to different research methods and purposes, Taiwan Earthquake Research Center further organizes the “geophysical instrument service center” to manage the instruments other than seismology’s. The geophysical instruments mainly include: seismic reflection/refraction, gravity and magnetic, geo-electric, geothermal, marine geophysics and well logging. The geophysical instrument center will provide experts for testing, installation, archive data and other services. In this year, the major effort will focus on: (1) Construct a three-component cable-free seismic system, and enhance the detection capability of seismic surveys in terrain relief areas or dense forest areas. Also cooperate with temporary seismic observation networks to collect seismic record; (2) increase 2 OBS instruments to prepare for more seismic sea-land studies, especially in Taiwan Strait; (3) establish real-time kinematic system(RTK) to improve the precise coordinates of detecting the location of small area measuring points; (4) Cooperate with existing GPR detection antenna group, purchase a GPR controller unit; (5) develops and implements training courses for users to promote the operation of geophysical instruments; and (6) provides technical support and manpower for major research projects.