不同地球物理資料的聯合反演是減少非唯一性和提高地球物理反演可靠性的有效方法。在本研究中,利用地震波走時和布蓋重力資料聯合反演,再加上磁感率的資料,以探討雪山山脈的地下構造。從前人研究利用聯合反演的結果來看,加入布蓋重力資料進行聯合反演較單獨利用地震波走時進行反演之走時擬合更好,加入重力和磁力資料進行淺部構造的控制有助於得到更好的地下構造解析。本計畫研究區域主要為雪山山脈,因地處偏遠且高山峻嶺,不易前往進行各項調查及研究,故地球物理資料較缺乏。本計畫擬深入前述山區增設高解析度之地震觀測站,並且新增山區之重力和磁力測量點,除了探討研究地區的地震活動,並且結合最新的重力資料來探討地下構造模式,進而對造山運動及板塊隱沒提供更進一步的討論。 ;The joint inversion of different geophysical datasets is an effective means to reduce the non-uniqueness and improve the reliability of geophysical inversion. In this study, seismic arrival time and Bouguer gravity datasets are jointly inverted, as well as the susceptibility distribution to obtain an image of 3-D subsurface structure in the northern segment of the Hsuehshan Range. According to the results of joint inversion in previous study, the model obtained from joint inversion fits the arrival time observations at least as well as when inverted individually, and the gravity observations are much better fit when included in the inversion, implying a reduction in ambiguity by simultaneously modeling the disparate datasets. The study area is mainly in Hsuehshan Range. In the past, fewer geophysical and geological observations of the Hsuehshan Range were reported due to extremely difficult accessibility. To image 3-D subsurface structure, this proposal will deploy a local seismic network equipped with high-resolution seismic observed system. In addition, revised gravity and magnetic anomalous data will be joined to obtain more reliable structure. It will improve the understanding of tectonic structure of the Hsuehshan Range.