此計劃希望以三年時間,從多年來設置在車籠埔斷層帶的井下地震儀(TCDPBHS)所觀察到的小地震及其相關孕育的斷層帶動力學及復癒訊息,到陸上淺層地震其孕震構造及斷層多段破裂的可能分析,至海外中深層隱沒帶地震的發震機制。此三大主軸,皆為現今地震學界探討的重要主題,且為台灣重要的科學問題。車籠埔斷層帶的井下地震儀紀錄近十年車籠埔斷層在地震發生後近二十年來的斷層訊息,其連續時間分析,提供大地震發生後斷層帶的可能復癒過程分析。地震斷層的破裂,已顯示其多段斷層破裂的可能性,希望以斷層動力學分析的角度進行並應用至台灣歷史地震1935年新竹台中多段斷層及不同機制斷層破裂的動力學分析。同時在台灣地震危害潛勢分析中,隱沒帶中深層地震的發生機制及其可能地震危害亦是重要的課題。此計劃在以下一代台灣地震危害潛勢分析的發展主軸角度來看,希望切入此主題,由歷史地震及現代記錄到隱沒帶中小型地震為基礎,與其他國外的災害性隱沒帶中深層地震比較分析,以瞭解台灣隱沒帶中深層地震的危害潛勢。 ;This proposal will focus on the current edging problems in earthquake science in fault zone healing process, multiple-fault segmentation kinematics and dynamics, and the mechanism and seismic hazard assessment of intermediate depth subduction zone events. These three subjects are keen in the earthquake science community, and, also important for Taiwan toward seismic hazard assessment. Fault zone healing process is difficult to achieve due to the lack of long-term in-situ monitoring after an large earthquake. Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project Borehole seismometers provided this unique opportunity to provide the most up to date observation and modeling of the healing and microearthquake nucleation process. Although several important papers had been published from this borehole seismometers, the unique setting with long lasting of 10 years observation provide significant scientific impact to the society on fault zone dynamics. In addition to the micro earthquake study for earthquake nucleation, the procedure on how earthquake growth from small to large earthquake is an important task for understanding earthquake dynamics and its potential hazard. We develop the dynamic modeling for fault zone slip-weaking relationship, and apply to the historical earthquake for multiple-fault segmentation rupture process. This dynamic modeling could help to understand how multiple fault segment rupture dynamic in certain fault system. For seismic hazard assessment, another important by not yet well incorporated is the ground shaking of potential large intermediate depth subduction zone events. In view of several recent intermediate depth subduction zone events to the above metropolitan cities and historical large intermediate depth subduction zone events in Taiwan (e.g. 1909, 1910 Taipei events), this project would like to aim these subduction zone events to understand the mechanism and potential ground shaking for hazard assessment.