摘要: | 「人權永遠不該付諸表決」。支持同婚人士甚至認為。人權觀察與國際特赦組織亦聯名致函行政院賴院長,要求政府千萬別讓民粹公投凌駕其依據國際法應保護人權的義務。另一方面,「愛家公投」領銜人游信義表示:「『公投』是國民主權最高的展現,位階『高於憲法』。」司法院新聞稿則宣示,「愛家公投」之立法原則不能牴觸釋字第748號解釋。過去「鳥龍公投」時期六公投案皆因高門檻而未過關,新公投法2018年實施後,門檻大幅降低,「愛家公投」呈現出來直接民主與少數權利的空前緊張關係,在日後公投恐將層出不窮,例如(廢除)死刑、安樂死、甚至鞭刑等等可能議題。如何在我國現有制度制約下,找尋直接民主與少數權利兩者相生極大化,相克極小化之道,成為這一代人無可迴避的歷史課題。直接民主與少數權利的緊張關係並非始於今日,更不是我國所特有。直接民主這個概念在不同國家的不同的歷史處境與文化脈絡下呈現不斷的意義變遷。本計畫將重新從直接民主與少數權利關係的視角分析,瑞士、美國以及德國直接民主,如何處理直接民主與少數人權。進一步從本土脈絡出發,借鏡瑞士、美國或德國經驗,提出我國直接民主的改革建議。 ;"Human rights should never be put to the vote." So claim the LBGT rights advocates. Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International also sent a letter to the prime minister Lai of the Executive Yuan, asking “The Taiwanese government should not allow popular and in this case homophobic initiatives to override its obligations to protect basic rights under international law.”On the other hand, the leader of the "Love Referendum", Yu Xinyi, said: "The "referendum" is the highest manifestation of national sovereignty, and its validity ranks "higher than the Constitution."" However, the constitutional court stated that the legislative principle of the "Love Referendum" may not override the Interpretation 748.In the past, the six referendums during the "Birds referendum" period were not passed because of the high threshold. After the implementation of the new referendum law in 2018, the threshold was greatly reduced. The "Love Referendum" presented an unprecedented tension between direct democracy and minority human rights. In the future, the same tension will rise in numerous ballot measures, such as (repeal) death penalty, euthanasia, and even whipping. How to find the path, to maximize the values both direct democracy and minority rights and to minimize the contradiction of both institutes, has become an unavoidable historical challenge of this generation.The tension between direct democracy and minority rights does not begin today, nor is it unique to Taiwan. The concept of direct democracy recepts constant changes in different historical situations and cultural contexts in different countries. This project sets to re-examine the relationship of direct democracy and minority rights in Switzerland, the United States and Germany, Furthermore, drawing lessons from the experience of these countries, this project will make recommendations to reform the current Referendum Law. |