本計畫將整合台大、中大、和中研院因為大強子對撞機(LHC)升級而建造的實驗室,變成一個全國性的平台(高能物理聯合實驗室),讓技術和資源的使用效益最大化,並透過密切的交流,提升各個實驗室的能力,從而在矽偵測器這個領域成為國際領先團隊。我們也將透過研討會和學者互訪等方案,建立聯合實驗室的國際名聲,讓LHC以外的國際團隊也願意來這個實驗室組建實驗儀器,讓我們在LHC上的投資獲得更長遠的回收,也透過這些國際合作接觸更多一流的實驗,提升整體技術水準。 ;We propose to combine the laboratories that were established in NTU, NCU, and Academia Sinica for LHC phase-II upgrade into a “Joint High Energy Physics Laboratory”. The Joint Laboratory will focus on the silicon detector technology. All the R&D and production of detectors will be organized jointly to achieve maximum efficiency. With such joint operation, we shall combine the expertise of several labs and establish a state-of-the-art silicon lab with world class technical capability. Through the execution of the LHC project, as well as organizing local and international conferences, we hope to attract more experiments to produce their detectors in Taiwan, and thus build up international reputation and keep improving our technical expertise.