台灣面臨鄉村地區經濟活力不振人口外流,從而衍伸出公共服務提供相對匱乏、老人乏人照護等。大多數的客家文化重點發展區座落在鄉村地區(rural areas),長期以來具有農村特質與屬性。因此,以鄉村發展為立場的策略思考可運用到2018年1月甫修正(客家基本法第8條)政府應積極鼓勵直轄市、縣市及鄉鎮成立客家文化區域合作組織的美意上。這樣思考途徑(approach)不但能在結構上掌握客庄發展脈動,也能與國外經驗參照對話,對於未來成立客家文化區域合作組織,乃至於其他地區鄉村發展將有所助益。然而,國內雖有若干研究專注於區域治理、跨域治理等項目。整體而言,國內區域治理平台是以縣市政府為組成對象,沒有第二、第三部門的參與。區域合作中少見第三部門的參與是台灣發展現況,而這樣輪廓與德國區域合作實踐經驗大異其趣。歐盟在鄉村發展模式上強調內生發展邏輯(Endogenous),英美語系研究者以社會包容(Social Inclusion)模式稱呼之。相對地,作為比較對象美國,經常以產業經營資金挹注思維建設鄉村發展。因此,被冠之為市場競爭(Market Competitivness)式(Blandford and Hill 2008)。歐盟模式相較於美國較為符合我國國情。因此,本子計畫將以「內生發展」模式為分析對象。既然著重內生脈絡,公民意識集結而成社團即是探索出發點。本研究主軸將以區域合作為藍圖,一方面探究國內現況: 銅鑼圈所面臨發展問題中,公民團體和政府有過哪些合作經驗?以及未來合作的意願和方式為何?其次,德國在1990年代開始即進行在地行動者積極參與、營利/非營利組織整合政治工程,並在鄉村地區展開不同實踐結果。它們二十餘年來累積的經驗有哪些值得參考之處。子計畫六以客庄銅鑼圈獲得農村再生補助的9個社區歸結出鄉村發展問題。欲探析課題為一、調查出當地公民團體與政府合作類型以及未來行動方向。二、提出德國DORV Zentrum Jülich-Barmen (Dinestleistungen und Ortsnahe Rundum-Versorgung)案例經驗,作為未來政府思索成立銅鑼圈區域合作組織參考。總體而言,子計畫六希冀在實務上以區域合作組織、內容與程序三個範疇提出我國思考方向。 ;The EU places emphasis on the endogenous development logic in its rural development and the United States has adopted the Market Competitiveness model. The EU model is more congruous with our national conditions compared to that of the United States. Therefore, this sub-project will use the "endogenous development" model as the analysis subject. Since the emphasis is on the endogenous context, associations formed based on the collective consciousness of the citizens should be the starting point of exploration. The main objective of this study is based on regional cooperation as the blueprint to explore the core concerns such as the current domestic status and to understand the rural development in Germany for the past two decades. This study will summarize the rural development problems experienced by the 9 communities that received the Hakka Tongluo Circle rural regeneration subsidies. The goal is to explore 2 topics: 1. Investigate the types of cooperation between the local citizen groups and the government as well as the direction for future actions. 2. Suggest using Germany's DORV Zentrum Jülich-Barmen (Dinestleistungen und Ortsnahe Rundum-Versorgung) case example as reference for the government to consider establishing a Tongluo Circle regional cooperation organization in the future. In general, This project aims to practically propose a policy direction for the nation based on 3 regional cooperation categories: organization, content, and procedure. In practice, we will endeavor to propose the directions of concepts based on the organization, connotation, and procedure aspect. In theory, we will summarize the domestic rural development models and compare them with the foreign experiences in order to highlight the particularities of Taiwan.