LMDS在各項微波傳輸技術中,可以說是相當受到注目的。因為它可以提供雙向的語音、影像及數據傳輸的寬頻整合服務。LMDS能夠滿足各類型的用戶分佈與應用,從住家到商業用途均能提供服務,因此更具有擴充性及適應性。台灣在 西元2000 年開放固網服務,即使有線寬頻傳輸應是其競爭的主軸,然而仍有業者藉助固定無線傳輸技術的寬頻傳輸應是其競爭的主軸。然而仍有業者藉助固定無線傳輸技術的應用,以提高其競爭力。由此可窺知 LMDS的發展潛力。 為了有效降低 LMDS 中細胞間干擾的問題,本論文提出新的細胞規劃,可以獲得較少的細胞間干擾。接著討論動態調變在 LMDS 環境的影響,本文提出一種新的動態調變方法使得系統可以得到更佳的資料傳輸速率。 In wireless cellular systems, co-channel interference is the limiting factor to system performance. Fix wireless systems such as Local Multipoint Distribution Systems (LMDS) is no exception to this rule. Because the LMDS transmission is usually higher-capacity, and the beam-width of subscribers’ antenna is narrow beam width, therefore co-channel interference in LDMS systems is more important. This thesis proposes a concept of subscribers’ antenna reorientation along with variable threshold dynamic modulation (VTDM) to reduce this interference. Using this scheme, we can get the better spectrum efficiency and reduce the interfering regions so that improve the system performance.