《圓善論》是牟宗三先生晚年的重要著作,書中含蘊的哲學思想十分深刻而豐富,除了對康德所說的最高善,即德福一致如何可能的問題,給出了根據中國儒、釋、道三教的圓教思想而來的解答外,其中亦含有許多洞見與智慧,是值得引申、發揮的。本計畫擬對此書做系統的探究,闡發書中所涵蘊的諸哲學問題,並回應當代學者的有關評論。 ;The Doctrine of Perfect Good is an important work of Mr. Mou Zong-san in his later years. This book possesses profound and rich philosophical thoughts. Based on the perfect teachings of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, Mou offered his philosophical responses to Kant’s question about how the Highest Good (Summum Bonum; happiness in exact proportion to morality) is possible. There are also full of philosophical wisdom in this book that is worth further investigating. This project proposes to explore and elucidate Mou’s philosophical perspective in The Doctrine of Perfect Good systematically and respond to the comments from contemporary scholars.