本文針對隨機指向向量誤差對可適性束波形成技術造成負面影響的現象,利用接收到的訊號源資料且根據限制最佳化方式,提出可抑制干擾且保留想要訊號的強健式束波形成器,並且藉由廣義旁瓣消除器GSC (Generalized-Sidelobe Canceller)將限制最佳化問題轉換為等效的無限制最佳化問題。透過矩陣擾動分析 (Matrix Perturbation Analysis)技術可獲得可適性權重向量的近似封閉解,而封閉解有利我們對系統做效能分析。從推導出的理論SINR (Signal to Interference-plus-Noise Ratio)近似封閉表示式可看出,當系統遭受隨機指向向量誤差影響的情況之下,本篇論文所提的方法相較於無強健束波形成器在SINR方面有顯著的改善。最後,模擬結果將會證明強健式GSC束波形成技術在效能上的改善並且證實理論SINR之準確性。 We consider adaptive array beamforming, in the scenario that the steering vector error caused by random phase error. By exploiting the received source data, we propose a constrained-optimization based beamformer which can suppress interference and preserve desired signal. The optimization problem is formulated in an equivalent unconstrained generalize-sidelobe canceller (GSC) structure. The approximated closed-form solution of adaptive weight can be obtained through matrix perturbation analysis, this allows us to facilitate an associated performance analysis. A closed-form approximate SINR for the proposed robust GSC beamformer is given, and the achievable SINR improvement over non-robust counterpart is specified. Finally, simulation results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method and corroborate the predicted SINR results.